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我养了只寄居蟹。I have a hermit crab.

我命名为避世山!I name it hermit mountain!

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看看这些寄居蟹。Look at these hermit crabs.

寄居蟹在哪里住?Where do hermit crabs live?

隐士举手合十在他的额顶。The Hermit crossed his brow.

一位盲隐士敲钟报漏。A blind hermit rings the hour.

那隐士住在村中。The hermit abided in the village.

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真正的隐士是一种罕见的病。The true hermit is a rare aberration.

这个隐修者就是你内心深处的佛。The hermit is the Buddha inside of you.

我还是非常渴望找到那个隐修者。Still, I was very eager to find the hermit.

据说有位隐士曾在此炼丹。A hermit is said to have practiced alchemy here.

也许一个隐者更适合深秋的颜色。Perhaps a hermit is more suitable for autumn color.

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他被解职后成了隐士。He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.

我小时候也有过一只寄生蟹,叫卡尔文·库里奇。as a child, I had a hermit crab named Calvin Coolidge.

它飞走后,老隐者才站起来。When it had flown away, the old hermit got to his feet.

你也可以享受它,而无需改变你的身份。You too can enjoy it without becoming a yogi or a hermit.

寄居蟹可说是动物世界的房屋经纪人。Hermit crabs are the real estate agents of the animal world.

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由此引发了隐者赵良对其的晓之厉害。This triggered a hermit Zhao Liang, the dawn of its powerful.

苏艾说,“我要去叫贝尔曼上来,替我做那个隐居的老矿工的模特儿。I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner.

然而,我们并不能把她看作是没有朋友的隐士。Yet, to think of her as a friendless hermit would be incorrect.