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野兽派也可以被看作是一个模式的表现。Fauvism can also be seen as a mode of Expressionism.

他的作品对后来的“野兽派”和“表现派”影响重大。His works had a far-reaching influence on the subsequent Fauvism and Expressionism.

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这些艺术家原意使用从颜料管里直接挤出来的强烈的色彩。Fauvism painters used the similar method and devoted themselves to all the forms of arts.

以马蒂斯为首的野兽派等西方现代艺术流派,又重新受到当代中国艺术家们的广泛关注。Led by Matisse fauvism western modern art genre, again by contemporary Chinese artists of widespread concern.

从立体派、野兽派到超现实主义、抽象主义,其艺术理念与形式无一不曾在时装设计中有所体现。From Cubism, Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism, their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design.

继印象主义之后,使他用新印象主义的图案结构的色彩,而后又涉猎于更加自由奔放的野兽派的领域。Impressionism was followed by exercises in neo-impressionist patterned color and then by excursions into the greater freedom of fauvism.

而野兽派远不满足这种效果,简单的构图以及批评家口中“放纵的纯色”标志了他们的风格。Fauvism went one step further in using simplified designs in combination with an "orgy of pure colors" as it was characterized by their critics.

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除了擅长中国水墨画,陈文希也精通西洋油画。他勇于尝试不同的风格,例如融入野兽派和立体派的创作。He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism.

在西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画派,如野兽派、立体派、未来派、达达派以及超现实主义画派等。In the western history of art especially in the modern painting history of20th there were many modern painting trends such as fauvism cubism futurism dada and surreal ism etc.

作为现代艺术的重要流派——野兽派,其在色彩方面的探索,大大超越了前人,实现了色彩的解放,并直接影响了诸现代流派。As an important genre of modern art, Fauvism excels all the former schools in exploring colors. It has achieved colors'liberation and has being impacted on the various modern schools.

而作为野兽派球员代表的霍华德在力量以及运动能力方面也有着统治级的优势,这也就是为什么大家更爱称他为“超人”的原因。As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class, which is why we have better pet name him "Superman" reasons.

其绘画广泛吸收古典艺术、印象主义、野兽主义艺术的营养,并加以消化,同时又研究中国传统美术和民间艺术。His paintings were widely nurtured by classical art, impressionism and fauvism. Additionally his study and research on traditional Chinese art and folk art also laid an influence to his paintings.