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寄一盘新磁带过去不合算。It would be uneconomical to send a brand new tape.

蒸汽吞吐可进行至不经济时为止。Huff and puff is continued until it becomes uneconomical.

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即使是成功的水上飞机最终也未能盈利。Even the successful flying boats proved, in the end, uneconomical.

存在着签订低效益和费钱合同的可能。There is a potential for inefficiency and uneconomical contracting.

但是将如此大量的装备发射升空所需的巨额花费让整个计划显得很不经济。But the prohibitive cost oflifting thousands of tons of equipment into space makes it uneconomical.

像太阳一样产生能量可能会太便宜以至于无法计费,或是像永动机一样太不合算。Making energy like the sun does might too cheap to meter or as uneconomical as a perpetual motion machine.

这种唯一略显狡诈的“房地产”形式除了税额优惠以外,对购房者而言并无经济实惠可言。An only slightly less insidious form of “real estate ” is one that is uneconomical , except for tax breaks.

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仅仅是为了个人二手物品的出售或置换而开设网店的话,很不合算。Only to individuals for the sale of second-hand goods and set up shop or replacement, it is very uneconomical.

收入会随着增产而提高,但相应的成本会使收入的提高不经济。Revenues may increase with increased yield, however corresponding costs may make the added revenue uneconomical.

结合网络印刷,设计方案可以在传统的印刷流程里毫无浪费地完成。With Web-to-print, projects can be executed that would be totally uneconomical in traditional printing processes.

因此,现在立即采用一项政策可能是更合适的,即使传统的分析宣称它是不经济的。Hence, it may be desirable to adopt a policy now, even though the traditional analysis declares it is uneconomical.

传统的热量表机芯、积分仪和基表结合为一体,这种结构对表的检测和维修都是不经济的。Traditional heat meter is an integral structure of integraph, machine core and base, and it is uneconomical in use.

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在美国,由于无休止地追求利润,所以控制土壤侵蚀特别不合算。Erosion control of soil is particularly uneconomical in the United States because of the untrammeled pursuit of profits.

让游牧很经济的是畜群规模,但是一旦畜群规模缩小,游牧就会变得相当不划算。The herd size is what makes pastoralism a bit economical, but once the herd size shrinks it becomes really uneconomical.

他介绍,价格偏高,卷标可靠性低阻碍了这项技术的广泛应用。According to Harrop, the uneconomical price level and lack of tag reliability have hampered the adoption of this technology.

不过,由于去年诺基亚的股价与其他技术股一起下跌,此时售出期权不划算,范约基的收入因此锐减。But Vanjoki's income dropped drastically last year as Nokia's share price fell alongside other tech shares, making option sales uneconomical.

传统的土钉设计方法经常低估了土钉的粘结强度,从而导致了不经济的设计。The conventional design approach of soil nails often results in an underestimation of bond stress, which in turn gives an uneconomical design.

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以至使贷款的经营责任难以区分,治理效果趋于低效或无效,治理模式具有不经济性。So it's hard to distinguish the operation responsibility in loan, management is in low effect or in vain, and the operation mode is uneconomical.

任何企业都不可能独占资源,独立完成经营活动的全部环节是低效率并且不经济的。Any enterprise cannot monopolize resources, it is the poor efficiency and uneconomical to finish all links of the business activities independently.

现阶段我国公安机关依法录警中存在的不经济警训行为,削弱了警察录用应有的积级作用。At present, the uneconomical police-training behavior in the legal police enrollment of public security impairs the positive role of police enrollment.