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莫蒂默教授身子向后靠并咧开嘴笑。Professor Mortimer leaned back and grinned.

千万别问莫蒂默他正在养的是什么花。Don't ask Mortimer what kind of rose he's growing.

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摩梯末医生将这份报纸放回了口袋里。Dr Mortimer put the newspaper back into his pocket.

你就是那个莫蒂默。布鲁斯特?那个戏剧批评家?。Are you the Mortimer Brewster, the writer and dramatic critic?

摩梯末医生重新叠好报纸,然后把它放回口袋。Dr. Mortimer refolded his paper and replaced it in his pocket.

贝丝·莫蒂默在牛津大学动物学组工作。Beth Mortimer works in the Zoology Department at the university.

这是美国大哲学家摩提默叫·阿德勒的观点。Such is the opinion of Mortimer J. Adler, a great American philosopher.

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摩梯末大夫和亨利爵士道别了,而且还决定走回他们下榻的旅店去。Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry said goodbye, and decided to walk back to their hotel.

而这些灰白的头发,对死亡的追逐,证明了尘世时光的尽头。And these grey locks, the pursuivants of death, Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer.

当摩梯末医师观察尸身时,他发现这现实上正是所发作的状况。When Dr Mortimer looked at the body, he found that this was, in fact, what had happened.

莫蒂默补充道,蜘蛛自己发出振动,来了解蜘蛛网的状况。Mortimer adds that a spider makes its own vibrations to find out the condition of the web.

摩梯末医生和亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士于次日早上10点钟准时到达。Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville arrived at exactly ten o"clock the following morning."

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摩梯末医生读完这个奇怪的故事后望着对面的歇洛克·福尔摩斯。When Dr Mortimer had finished reading this strange story, he looked across at Sherlock Holmes.

然后,他问摩梯末大夫巴斯克维尔庄园之内或附近是否住有留着又黑又长的胡子的人。Then he asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a large black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall.

莫蒂默表示,通过控制材料的紧密度可以让蜘蛛有效地调整蛛网的属性。Mortimer says by controlling the tightness of the material, it lets the spider "effectively tune their web's properties."

摩梯末医生掏出了巴斯克维尔家族的那份古老的手稿,并把它读给亨利爵士听。福尔摩斯接着告诉他有关查尔斯爵士之死的情况。Dr Mortimer took out the old Baskerville papers and read them to Sir Henry. Holmes then told him about the death of Sir Charles.

直到莫蒂默他被警方调查,并被告知这是禁区时,他才知道新买的房子违反了法律。Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with police and was told it was off-limits.

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报道中说,莫蒂默承认,他从未想到查一查他的房子是否违反了法律对活动距离的规定。According to the story, Mortimer acknowledges he never thought about finding out whether the house violated the distance ordinance.

莫蒂默和克拉克森的表现也同样不俗,片中三位女演员对角色的诠释、在镜头前的举手投足都让人印象深刻。Both Mortimer and Clarkson shine, as well, with all three of the actresses involved here getting juicy, downright startling shots at the camera.

虽然莫蒂默的老房子就在两所学校的附近,然而他是在2005年法律生效前就已经住在那了。But because Mortimer lived in the house before the ordinance was passed in 2005, he was allowed to stay there despite its proximity to two schools.