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有沥青的糖果厂?。A sweet factory with asphalt?

多数街道是用柏油铺的。Most streets are laid with asphalt.

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那些沥青的铺道,是很干净的。The asphalt pavements are very clean.

沥青表面的饱和分含量比本体多。More saturates exist on surface of asphalt.

可能的话尽量选择平坦的柏油路面。Try to find a flat asphalt road if possible.

车辙是沥青路面的主要病害之一。Rut is one of main disease in asphalt pavement.

没有四轮车也没有宽敞的柏油路。No four wheel vehicle nor spacious asphalt road.

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供应孔洞挖掘机,沥青路面压实机,土壤压实机。Post hole diggers, asphalt rollers, and soil compa.

多功能洒布车,洒水洒沥青转换使用功能。Multi-function for water spraying and asphalt spraying.

中午暴日晒得柏油马路都软绵绵的。At noon sharp the sun too soft asphalt road are all the.

烘干筒是沥青砼拌合机的核心部件。Dry drum is the key element of a asphalt concrete plant.

介绍了一种提高道路沥青针入度比的改进剂。A paving asphalt penetration ratio improver was introduced.

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你有没有闻过橡胶在滚烫的沥青上燃烧时的味道?Do you know what rubber burning on hot asphalt smells like?

最初的计划是想建立一条柏油路,但现在这个想法已经被抛弃了。The initial plan to build an asphalt road has now been dropped.

大于490℃的馏分可作为沥青改性剂。The distillates more than 490 ℃ can be used as asphalt modifier.

对硫酸钙晶须在道路改性沥青中的应用进行了系统研究。The application research of CSW in paving asphalt was carried on.

所有人口密集地区都通有沥青道路。Asphalt roads are provided to all populated areas of the district.

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沥青混凝土护面的质量必须得到保证。Thirdly, the quality of asphalt concrete face should be guaranteed.

原来的柏油操场已经复上了草皮或种满了鲜花。The asphalt playgrounds have been grassed over or sown with flowers.

漫长的冬季已经让迸裂的水池槽涂上了沥青。The long winters have torn holes the size of sinks into the asphalt.