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从链子上拆下一个链环。Detach a link from a chain.

他们卸下挂车,开始扎营。They detach the tailer, and start to camp.

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超脱与精简能够最小化你的担忧。Detach and simplify and you minimize worry.

然而,你可以从中将自己分离,然后让它们经过。However, you can detach and simply let them pass by.

如上所述,我们“分离”了响应实体。We "detach" the response entity, as discussed before.

将注意力从令你头脑不安的一切中抽离。Detach yourself from all that makes your mind restless.

要想从金属中析出一个电子,必须给电子能量。To detach an electron from a metal it must be given energy.

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我们需要一名木匠将书架从墙上拆下来。We need a carpenter to detach this bookshelf from the wall.

拧开这螺丝就能把平底锅的长柄取下来。You can detach the handle of the saucepan by undoing this screw.

露头显示,褶皱过程中盖层未沿不整合界面产生明显滑脱。Outcrops show that the cover did not detach along the uncomformity surface.

即使在所有进程都与之脱离之后,这个共享内存也不会被销毁。The shared memory is not destroyed even after all processes detach from it.

如果被车撞,拖车会从主车上脱离。If hit by a car, the Extrawheel trailer will detach itself from the bicycle.

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最好有个助手帮你从墙上分开麻线,帮助你保持松紧。Have an assistant detach the twine from the wall and help you maintain tension.

他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism.

当然,新的在线分离行为会考虑有效的隔离级别。Of course, the new online detach behavior respects the isolation level in effect.

把你的感情投入到你的职业,但是从一个特定的职业中分离出来。Invest your emotions into your trade but detach your trade from a specific employer.

现在到了中脉,你是将自己分离,你总是不执着于己。Now, come to the Centre, you just separate yourself, you detach yourself all the time.

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当一个人收到电子邮件时,他们必须分离电子表格,编辑它并将其保存。When a person receives the email, they must detach the spreadsheet, edit it, and save it.

耆那教徒试图从物质世界中超脱出来,这和印度教,佛教是相契合的。Jains seek to detach themselves from the material world, the same as Hindus and Buddhists.

只有在异步分离完成后,分离的目标表才可见。The target table of detach becomes available only after the asynchronous detach completes.