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玛格娜躺在一把躺椅上。Magna was lying on a chaise longue.

我们的马车在暴风雪中缓慢地往家走。Our chaise slugged home in the storm.

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马车上的菩提和洛基。通常直播在东部时间9-5点。Bodhi and Loki on the chaise. Usually live 9-5 EST.

即使只是在沙滩上散散步也可以让“沙发土豆”们精神焕发。Even a walk on the beach can be invigorating for a chaise potato.

宜家------书桌、办公椅、躺椅、衣柜及其他半买半送!IKEA ----- Desk, Chair, Chaise longue and wardrobe in very good deal!

躺椅的靠背和座位可调节,具有两个不同的位置,用来放松休息。Chaise longue with adjustable back and seat and two different relaxing positions.

美丽的女孩就是魔法的代名词,在阳光充足的海滩上将会发生什么呢?What could happen to a beautiful girl sleeping in the chaise lounge on the sunny beach ?

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在办公室里,我有一把精致的睡椅,我常常躺在睡椅上深思,反省和构思我史诗般的宏伟计划。I have a nice chaise lounge in my office where I regularly meditate, reflect and devise my epic plans.

这件家具属于耶和华·罗克家,名字叫做“红树林马车”,它的设计和材质中融入了红树林的感觉。Coming from the house of Jah Roc, the Mangrove Chaise incorporates the feel of the mangroves in its design and texture.

在卧室的角落,增加一张躺椅或加有厚软垫的阅读椅及边桌并且悬垂一个绒线毯子在扶手上。In the corner of the bedroom, add a chaise or overstuffed reading chair and side table and drape a chenille throw on the arm.

自然的演变令树叶的功能和形态渐趋尽美,这也是“飘”躺椅创作灵感的来源。Millions of years of evolution perfected the curvature and function of leaves, the inspiration behind this delicate chaise longue.

而且,你也不想让我在你隔壁的休息室用我的智能手机再去把你愉悦的假期弄没,你说呢?And besides, you don’t want me blowing your blissful vacation high by clutching my smartphone in the chaise lounge next to yours, do you?

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其中的私人酒店被视为"机翼"休息厅中最为豪华的区域,乘客在这里可以享受巨大的浴缸、个人淋浴及宽大的休息沙发。The private cabanas are the most luxurious part of The Wing, where guests enjoy huge sunken bathtubs, personal showers and chaise lounges.

这是我们在倍莫斯见过的年轻的朋友斯帕文先生,他得了学位,现在包了一辆橙黄色的驿车正衣锦荣归呢。It was our young acquaintance of Baymouth, Mr Spavin, who had got his degree, and was driving homewards in triumph in his yellow post chaise.

我到达坎特伯雷后,换乘一辆四轮马车去镇上,但我全身湿透了,而且患了感冒,我并不能很快康复。When I go to Canterbury , I got a chaise for town, but I got wet through, and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of it in a hurry.

哎哟!可是他们把原来的马车打发走,换上了出租的马车,光是凭这一点就可想而知!此外,到巴纳特去的路上,也找不到他们的踪迹。Oh! but their removing from the chaise into an hackney coach is such a presumption! And, besides, no traces of them were to be found on the Barnet road.

早上我们走海边的道路去雅法,海滩上一片静悄悄,沙滩上昨天的车痕已经不见了踪影。The morning we took the coastal route to Jaffa, the beach was quiet. There were no signs of the plastic chaise longues that had covered the sand the day before.

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躺椅的内部由木板条连接上下两端,中间再填充泡沫垫,结尾部分在整体表面铺上织物装饰。The interior of the chaise has a frame of timber slats joining the two sides with foam cushioning laid into them and the piece is finished with fabric upholstery.

这个躺椅框架折叠成七种不同的座位位置,包括扶手椅和躺椅和长椅。The frame of this lounge chair folds upon itself into seven different seating positions including the arm chair shown above and the chaise lounge and bench chair below.

我不愿坐在驿站或马车里与朋友寒暄,然后就亘古不变的老话题颠来倒去地聊个没完。这一次,让我抛开礼仪的束缚吧。Instead of a friend in a post chaise or in a carriage, to exchange good things with, and vary the same stale topics over again, for once let me have a time free from manners.