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渗透压。Osmotic pressure.

报酬的压力?Pressure of rewards?

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压力与紧迫感。Stress and pressure.

纵坐标是气压。I have pressure here.

我们升高压强。We raise the pressure.

数字压力计。Digital Pressure Gauge.

你需要那种压力。You need that pressure.

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不要施加压力,不要受制于人。Don’t give into pressure.

它也可以是压强。It could be the pressure.

代入pdV项中。Then pressure is constant.

过高或过低的血压?。High or low blood pressure?

在压力下我工作得很好。I work well under pressure.

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全开状态零压降。All open Zero pressure drop.

他买了一个压力锅。He bought a pressure cooker.

我的血压暴涨。My blood pressure skyrockets.

也常和压力表一起使用。Also used with pressure gages.

这样我们提升压强。So we're raising the pressure.

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用理想气体作为研究对象。There's pressure on this axis.

我工作抗压能力很好。I can work well under pressure.

这是四点压强的。xB There's xB at pressure four.