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苹果还一片混乱。Apple was a shambles.

她把事情搞嘚一塌糊涂。She make a shambles of things.

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整个移民系统确实是“跛脚”系统。The immigration system is a shambles.

卷风将这个城市变成了一片废墟。The twister turned this city into a shambles.

当他们回到崔斯特兰姆镇时,发现这里已陷入一片混乱。They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.

瓜州风电建设的混乱情景不容乐观。The shambles in Guazhou does not give one cause for optimism.

BNP在最近发生的系列打击之前就早已是一团糟。Yet the BNP was in a shambles even before the recent onslaught.

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今天我们差点被踩扁了,蚁窝也成了废墟。But we were almost squished today, and the colony is in shambles.

格林斯潘留下了一团糟的经济和一生的逢迎讨好。Greenspan will leave an economy in shambles and a lifetime of pandering.

日本战败后,艺妓行业分散而混乱。After Japan lost the war, geisha dispersed and the profession was in shambles.

在今后一段时间内,他们仍可能继续为房地产市场的混乱买单。And they'll likely be paying for the shambles of the real estate market for a while.

第五幕那浴血的惨剧乃是斯温伯恩先生在诗中歌颂过的集中营的前奏。The bloodboltered shambles in act five is a forecast of the concentration camp sung by Mr Swinburne.

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最后,对理清争端或许有所帮助的国际协约现在是一团乱麻。Lastly, the international arrangements that might help sort out some of these disputes are a shambles.

真正令公众恐惧的不应该是流感,而是掩藏在流感背后的那种贩卖恐慌的做法。What should scare the public is not flu but the shambles of scaremongering that regularly envelopes it.

这种乱糟糟的局面本身就很不利,而且恰恰是通用汽车在申请IPO前夕不想看到的。This shambles is not only bad in itself but is exactly what GM did not need on the eve of its IPO filing.

对部分世俗主义评论家而言,艾尔段的外交政策在模拟两可和不稳定当中摆荡。For some of his secularist Turkish critics, Erdogan's foreign policy is a shambles of ambiguity and instability.

“我们已经在希腊看到了这一点,并且,欧洲层面的政治危机早已有之,这本来就是个混乱的同盟”。We’ve seen it in Greece, and we already have a political crisis at the European level, which is a union in shambles.

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玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions.

玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles " that left many unanswered questions.

然而,仅仅时隔八年,民主党一败涂地,理查德·尼克松赢得四十九个州的支持。绝大多数人达成了又一个共识。Yet just eight years later, the Democratic Party was in a complete shambles and Richard Nixon won 49 states. Some consensus.