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太好了,我喜欢香格里拉饭店。Good. I like the shangriLa Hotel.

想了解更多的香格里拉吗?Do you want to know more about shangrila ?

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你能告诉我香格里拉饭店的号码吗?Would you tell me shangrila hotel's number?

我们重游了丽江和香格里拉。We went back to visit Lijiang and Shangrila.

张杰、谢娜将于本月26日在云南香格里拉举行大婚。Zhang Jie, Sheenah will be 26 this month in Yunnan held a grand wedding shangrila.

在中国,人们以前为到底哪个旅游点应该获得香格里拉的名称而争论不休。There were arguments in China over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangrila.

如果失去了自我的世界,最终,我们将再寻香格里拉。If we lose the human side of our world, in the end, we still have to find Shangrila and bring.

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如果您对酒店业充满激情,工作勤奋,香格里拉将是您开始职业生涯的理想之地。Shangri-La will be your Shangrila of career if you're passional for the restaurant and industrious.

香格里拉一词在藏语中是太阳和月亮的意思,喻指世外桃源,人间天堂。Shangrila word in Tibetan is solar and moon's meaning, Explains refers to the paradise, World heaven.

香格里拉咖啡与蜂蜜丰富的清脆浆果注意,并适用于任何场合的罚款杯咖啡。Shangrila coffee has a crisp berry note with honey richness and makes a fine cup of coffee for any occasion.

该款荆条蜜是由参与我们项目的小规模农户在天然的环境中以有机的方式生产而成。Shangrila Farms Honey is 100 percent pure, made by bees and small scale farmers in pristine mountain conditions.

香格里拉咖啡豆采用精选的云南咖啡豆,在口味和香气上都符合专家的最高标准。Shangrila beans are exceptional Yunnan beans, meeting experts' high standards of excellence in flavor and aroma.

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位于香格里拉至乡城公路103公里处、格咱乡小雪山山脚。Locate in Shangrila to town city highway 103 kilometers of place and shelf we town little snow mountain foot of the hill.

对于西方文化来说,它也意指为「东方神秘色彩、祥和的理想国度」。In the Western world, Shangrila has come to mean an ideal place of mystery, peace, and good fortune somewhere in the East.

藏穆之路的云南省香格里拉三坝乡安南村是一个多民族、多宗教、多元文化共处的和谐村。Annan Village of Sanba Town of Yunnan Shangrila is a harmonious multinational community with multiple cultures and religions.

直到今日,仍令人心醉神迷,因为那块宁静无争、安然知足的净土,是人人都想追寻的。Even today the idea of Shangrila remains appealing because everyone wants to find such a land of peace, harmony, and contentment.

香格里拉旅游地的生成经历了较长的探索期,并没有明显的参与期,几乎直接进入了发展期。Evolution mechanism of Shangrila tourism destination experienced a long stage of exploration and almost entered development directly.

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浦东香格里拉酒店上海市政府APEC欢迎晚宴现场,陈良宇、蒋以任、周慕尧副市长等出席。APEC Welcome Banquet of Shanghai Municipal people's Government in Pudong Shangrila Hotel, mayor Chen Liangyu, Jiang Yireng, Zhou Muyao attended.

香格里拉农场石榴花蜜呈晶莹透亮的石榴红,源自盛开在云南省西南部的石榴花。Shangrila Farms Pomegranate Blossom Honey is a lovely mahogany color and is made by bees foraging pomegranate blossom nectar in southeastern Yunnan.

倘若您心中也有一处香格里拉,相信这次邱显德巨幅水彩个展,能引起您的共鸣。These new large-scale watercolors by Chiu Hsiente will surely resonate with anyone who keeps in their heart a personal vision of their own Shangrila.