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不,错了。Um nope. Wrong.

你是他儿子?You're his son?- Nope.

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没有,从来也没有过。Nope. And they never did.

你觉得我是对的?You think I'm right?- Nope.

这周有什么问题么?Any problems this week?- Nope.

所以说他不能说话了?。So he can't talk at all?- Nope.

神说,你还敢吗?我说,不敢了。Gods say, one more? I say, nope.

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今天什么事也没有发生。Nope. Nothing has happened today.

至于它使我们更坚强,我没发现。As far as making us stronger, nope.

没有,不过这个角色有点适合我。Nope. But the role is a good fit for me.

不,他太矮了,他比玛丽.贝思矮了一英寸。Nope.He's too short.He's an inch shorter.

不行。那才会让贵格清楚知道我的感受。Nope. It lets Greg know exactly how I feel.

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没有。但我这有牛奶、开水和袋泡茶。Nope. But I have milk, hot water and a tea bag.

是的,谁有不同的?没有,很好。Yep yep. Anyone have anything different there? Nope good.

怪老头从报纸上方探出脸并回答,“不会。”The old man looked up over his newspaper and replied, "Nope."

许多人也许考虑接下来的两盘会很快结束,答案是否定的。Most probably thought the next two sets would go by in a flash. Nope.

没有,但是我可以用信用卡在国外提领现金。Nope. I can use the credit card to withdraw the money in foreign countries.

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不,事实上,这是一道针对医学系学生的问题。Nope. It's actually a poser for medical students, who we hope all know the correct answer.

莫丽必须看着某物甚至知道那是什么才能使用飞来咒吗?Does Molly have to see something to Accio it, or even know exactly what that thing is?Nope.

没错。这间收容所不大,猫狗也很快被认养。Nope , not a mistake. It is not a very big shelter, plus the dogs are adopted very quickly.