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没有狸猫能回答这个问题。No civet cats can answer this question.

果子狸在这些市场的贸易因而于2004年被禁。As a result, civet trading in these markets was banned in 2004.

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本文对7例在养殖条件下难产的花面狸进行了研究。The paper studied 7 case Masked civet of dystocia in farm condition.

也就是说,这种咖啡豆是从麝香猫的排泄物里分离出来的!That is, the coffee beans are removed from the Civet faeces and processed!

列为国家保护动物的有华南虎、穿山甲、苏门羚、小灵猫。As a national protected animals are tigers, pangolin, serow, a small civet.

该病毒可透过不断变种,由果子狸传往人类。The virus could jump from civet cats to humans through continuous mutation.

他已经退休多年,在家和一只花狸猫做伴。He has been retired for many years spent at home and a civet cats keep company.

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起初,科学家们发现,在东南亚像猫掌果子狸病毒。At first scientists found the virus in the catlike palm civet of Southeast Asia.

似麝香的由别的动物,如水獭或者麝香猫,分泌的相似的促胰液素。A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.

这道汤散发着菊花的清香,汤内还加入了果子狸和蛇的碎肉。The soup is flavoured with chrysanthemum petals and includes shreds of civet cat and snake.

他研究了一小肉为主食的生物印度尼西亚人口称为马来果子狸。He studies the Indonesian population of a small meat-eating creature called the Malay civet.

我在整理组织几年来的拍摄作品并重温麝猫的野外研究数据。I’m sorting through and organizing years of tracking and recapture data from my civet fieldwork.

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多年来,用的较多的固定剂是动物制品龙涎香、香猫香、麝香、以及河狸香。For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris, civet , musk and castoreum.

果子狸是SARS病毒的宿主之一,野生动物是人类SARS的毒源。Masked civet is one of the hosts of SARS' virus, and wild animal is the virus source of human being.

也有一些人说麝香猫只吃最成熟饱满的咖啡豆,因此造就了麝香猫咖啡的美味。Some also say that the civet eats only the ripest coffee beans, giving the coffee its delicate flavor.

目的调查北京地区养殖果子狸SARS病毒感染和携带情况。Objective To investigate the possible infections of SARS-CoV in civet cat bred in the suburbs of Beijing.

主攻热带雨林肉食动物生态学的他,思考起来像是跑出领地的绝望麝猫。Studying the ecology of carnivores in the rainforest, he thinks like a desperate civet running out of territory.

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至于非典的病毒,医学界追溯其源头,乃来自屠宰啖食野生动物果子狸。As for the SARS virus, the medical community has traced its source to people's slaughter of wild civet cats to eat.

香港已经禁止售卖果子狸了,但是人们依然可以到内地来品尝果子狸和其他野味。The sale of civet cat is banned in Hong Kong, but people still cross into China to eat it, and other exotic animals.

2003年SARS爆发,病原体来自果子狸等野生动物,导致随后野味的需求短暂下降。Demand dropped briefly after 2003, when the Sars crisis was blamed on pathogens spread by civet cats and other wild animals.