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是的,我是消防队员。Yes,I'm a fireman.

马克的父亲是一名消防队员。Mark's father is a fireman.

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你愿意是一名消防队员吗?Would you like to be a fireman?

救火员叫我们闪开,别过来。The fireman told us to keep back.

一个救火员被浓烟熏倒了。A fireman collapsed from the fumes.

“先客后主,司炉最末”。Houzhu first off, the last fireman.

为什么你愿意是一名消防队员?Why would you like to be a fireman?

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消防员放出水龙带。The fireman reeled the hosepipe out.

消防队员几乎被烟熏得透不过气来。The smoke almost choked the fireman.

消防队员在墙上砍了一个洞。The fireman chopped a hole in the wall.

救火员被大火挡住了前行白勺脚步。The fireman was prevented by the blaze.

每个消防队员都必须记住规则。Every fireman must get the rules by heart.

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消防队员最后砸开了门。The fireman finally battered the door down.

救火员设法将大火控制住了。The fireman managed to keep the fire under.

救火员因吸入烟而不支倒地。The fireman collapsed from smoke inhalation.

梯子上有个拿着灭火水龙带的消防队员。On the ladder was a fireman with a fire hose.

那个人是镇里的志愿消防队员。That man is a volunteer fireman in this town.

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坚定的消防员首先克服口渴欲望。The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire.

他勇敢地试着去救那孩子。The fireman hazarded his life to save the child.

查尔斯是一名消防队员,他开消防车。Charles is a fireman and he drives a fire-engine.