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可是我怎么才能到精灵族的小岛呢?But how do I get to the Elven Isle?

我想要摧毁附近的一座精灵城市。I wish to destroy an Elven city near here.

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在实战中使用魔箭迫击的示范。The teaching of using Elven Magic Missle in battle.

也只有精灵能做或是愿意去做。It would be something only an Elven people could or would do.

在可恶的精灵弓箭手面前展示你的技能!Show them your skill in targeting those wretched Elven Archers!

精灵的工人们将不再需要科技制作青铜器才能在森林里建设施。Elven workers no longer require bronze working to place improvements on forest plots.

禁暗苑历来是一个对黑暗精灵同胞表示同情和支持的精灵城。Ynthil is an Elven town that had been historically sympathetic to its Dark Elven brethren.

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在奥秘大陆,我曾是一位拥有强大力量的法师,有史以来跻身于精灵议会的唯一人类。In Arcanum, I was a mage of great power, the only human to ever sit on the great Elven Council.

精灵们纯朴的生活方式常常和他们工艺品的奢华形成鲜明的对照。The simplicity of the Elven lifestyle is often at odds with the rich beauty of the things they craft.

你也要计划为此修建一个精灵木材厂并雇佣木材制作工匠使它运作。You will also be provided with plans to construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it.

格洛芬德被证明是一位非常杰出的精灵领主,当然也是第三纪末期一位强大的领主。Glorfindel proved to be an exceptional Elven lord, and was certainly a very powerful lord at the end of the Third Age.

片刻之后,附近房间里传来一名卓尔女性的尖叫声——惊骇的尖叫最后变成了含混的汩汩声。A moment later, the scream of an elven female came from a nearby chamber—a scream that began in terror and ended in a liquid gurgle.

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他是首代凤凰王的后裔,也有些精灵吟游诗人说他事实上就是阿纳瑞欧的转世,因为那样的勇气和技巧只属于他。He is a descendant of the first Phoenix King, and some Elven bards say that he is in fact Aenarion reborn, so valiant and skilled is he.

通常不知道这门语言的正式名称人的人都会称它为高等精灵语。It has both written and spoken equivalents. Individuals who are unfamiliar with the language's proper name may refer to it as High Elven.

这种团体关系可以覆盖整个家族,因此,精灵的领土比人类的领土更能在一个王朝之下延续。The communal bond could, however, extend to entire families. Hence, Elven realms would be more likely to maintain a dynasty than mortal realms.

一首广为流传的精灵歌谣描写了一场与神官进行的战斗,对她们的每一次攻击都好像在扇自己母亲的耳光一样令人难受。A well-known Elven ballad recounts a battle with Vestals, claiming that each blow they delivered felt like being slapped on the face by your mother.

对于习惯于从往昔的回忆中寻求解脱的精灵来说,她所散发出的那种忧郁气质有一种让人心醉神迷的效果。Serena's mysterious ways bedazzle most mortals. She exudes an air of melancholy, which is intoxicating to Elven kind looking to the past for deliverance.

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在罗丝背叛之前,这些黑皮肤的精灵开始自称卓尔,在精灵语中这是个污秽的词语,意指那些在夜晚出没的邪恶之物。Even before Lolth 's rebellion, these dark-skinned elves began to claim the name of drow, an ugly Elven word that refers to the things that haunt the night.

睿智的精灵担任了大将军,精灵率领着浩瀚的军队,很快就把矮人国打败了,人类和精灵得到了想要的土地,于是纷纷撤兵了。The wisdom of the wizard as the general of the army, led by the vastness of the Elven army soon defeated the dwarves, men and elves to gain land, so have the withdrawal.

例如,术士区域拥有明显的黑色风格,而猎人训练师所在的房间外面有一个非常醒目的金色女猎手塑像。The warlock district , for example, has a very distinct, dark color scheme, while the hunter trainers are marked with an impressive gold statue of an elven huntress outside their building.