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奥巴马的团队能像尼克松和基辛格那样优雅的跳舞吗?Can the Obama team dance as gracefully as Nixon and Kissinger?

我不知道基辛格是何许人,兴许随口问了。I didn't know who Henry Kissinger was, and I might have asked.

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亨利·基辛格曾说,权力是至高无上的催欲剂。Henry Kissinger may have thought that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

尼克松与基辛格确实凭借完美的技巧把握住了外交机遇。Mr Nixon and Mr Kissinger did seize diplomatic opportunities with consummate skill.

事实上,基辛格本应该遵循道家无为的理念,不予理会。In fact, Kissinger should have practised the Taoist concept of wu wei and done nothing.

作为深喑外交权术的行家,亨利·基辛格在中国很受追捧。As a connoisseur of fine diplomacy, Henry Kissinger finds a lot of it to admire in China.

我入学时,亨利·基辛格是四年级学生,我们却到30年之后才见上面。Henry Kissinger was a senior when I enrolled, though we were not to meet for three decades.

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基辛格为洛克菲勒的失败伤心透了,有人说他哭了。Kissinger was so devastated by Rockfeller's defeat that, according to one account, he wept.

我白勺好朋友基辛格博士写了精彩白勺序言,为本书增色。My good friend Dr. Henry Kissinger wrote a wonderful forward which adds master to the book.

按照基辛格的解释,中国向外邦不输出其思想,而是让别人自己来寻求。As Mr. Kissinger explains, 'China did not export its ideas but let others come to seek them.

美国国务卿基辛格是中美关系的友好使者。American State Secretary Kissinger was the messenger of friendship between China and America.

70年代,基辛格和毛只要碰面就开玩笑说印度真是可怜的胆怯。In the 70s Kissinger and Mao cracked jokes about Indias pathetic timidity when ever they met.

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打开记忆隧道,记得伍德罗·威尔逊、西奥多·罗斯福、亨利·基辛格都曾获得了诺贝尔和平奖。Until I recalled that Woodrow Wilson, and Henry Kissinger had all received Nobel peace prizes.

基辛格任国务卿后,随即将其派往相对落后的厄瓜多尔和希腊。As Secretary of State Kissinger sent him next to the relative backwaters of Ecuador and Greece.

或许有人认为,尼克松担心苏联在中国迅速取得胜利,但基辛格并没有这么说。One supposes that Nixon feared a swift Soviet victory in China, but Kissinger does not say that.

我猜亨利基辛格会带来自己的直升机环伺全天候保卫的中情局特别安全小组。Sun loungers. I'm guessing that Henry Kissinger brings his own, has it helicoptered in and guarded.

基辛格在这本书中尽力避免的内容以及悬而未答的问题也值得关注。The book is also noteworthy for what Kissinger chooses to avoid, and the questions he leaves unanswered.

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基辛格自己就是一位受人敬仰的思想家,而他显然被中国的战略智慧所折服。For a man considered a master thinker himself, Mr. Kissinger is clearly in awe of China's strategic acumen.

事实上,中国人简直不敢相信自己的好运气,能找到基辛格这样的天真和顺从的伙计。In truth, the Chinese couldn't believe their luck in finding such a naive and biddable partner as Kissinger.

基辛格感到罗杰斯是在挑刺儿。但是,律师出身的尼克松支持了他的同行的挑刺儿。Kissinger felt that Rogers was quibbling , but the lawyer in Nixon supported the quibble of a fellow lawyer.