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这可以帮助您,以避免任何形式的欺诈。This helps you to avoid any sort of fraudulence.

几十年过去了,他才了解谨小甚微的背后是自我欺骗。Decades later, he sees the fraudulence in that discretion.

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他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。Some of his statements are so incorrect that they fraudulence.

虚假陈述是证券欺诈的主要方式,需要通过诉讼落实民事责任。False statement is one of the major ways of security fraudulence.

第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成侵权行为。Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action.

他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.

我国上市公司财务欺诈的防范治理是一个综合、长期的过程。Regulation and governance on fraudulence among listed companies are synergic and long-term processes.

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金融欺诈犯罪包括金融诈骗罪和虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪。Financial deception crimes are composed with financial fraudulence crimes and the crimes of false representation.

他的野蛮和欺诈已经清楚的表露出来,使得那些曾经支持他的邻国改变了态度。His brutality and fraudulence have become so plain for all to see that neighbours who once defended him are changing their tune.

这只能解释为能够公然作假的都是社会上有头有脸的权势人物。The only explanation for this blatant fraudulence being carried out is those people in society with respect, power and influence.

另一方面,非语言符号自身又能通过信息传递实现一定的欺骗、干扰等功能。On the other hand, nonverbal symbols themselves can put fraudulence and interference into effect by transmitting sports information.

关于宝云塔的传说,则体现了广大衡水人民赞美正义与善良,憎恶邪恶与奸诈的传统美德。The legend of that pagoda shows the traditional virtue of Hengshui people-favoring justice and honesty and hating evil and fraudulence.

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第四,冷战后的美国霸权主义是在“新干涉主义”外表掩盖下的一种更具欺骗性和伪装性的霸权。Fourthly, American new hegemonism is a kind of hegemonism whose natures of fraudulence and guise are covered up by "new interventionism ".

这造成了明代经济领域诓骗窃夺现象的空前盛行,这种社会现象广泛地发生在各种社会群体之间,实行诓骗窃夺之人,采用的手段多而狡猾、残忍。As a result, there were excessive fraudulence and brigandage in the field of economy between all groups of people with various sly and brutal measures.

研究层次化函数的设计,着重分析层次化可分解函数对于优化算法的欺骗性。The design on hierarchical optimization functions is studied, and the fraudulence of hierarchical decomposable functions to algorithms is mostly discussed.

作为权力腐败的一种,行政自由裁量权腐败因其具有外部欺骗性,并未引起应有的关注。As one of the power corruptions, corruption of administrative discretion hasn't been paid enough attention which it deserves because of its exterior fraudulence.

美国金融衍生品过度脱离实体经济,导致高杠杆性、定价的扭曲性、风险的隐蔽性和欺骗性。S. financial derivatives being too far away from the real economy result in highly leveraged nature, pricing distortions, and fraudulence and concealment of risks.

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从概念外延来看,金融欺诈犯罪包括金融诈骗罪和虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪,这种界分肇端于古罗马法中的“诈欺”。From the perspective of extension of concept, the financial deception crimes can be divided into financial fraudulence crimes and the crimes of false representation.

诚信缺失的根源不在网络,而在于人际交往已有的欺骗性,网络环境的特殊性只是其诱因。The origin of honest deficiency is not the network but the fraudulence in interpersonal communication, and the particularity of network circumstance as an inducing factor.

本文以博弈论作为基本分析工具,对证券市场会计信息披露失真问题进行了研究。The paper , commenting on with game-theory as analytical fundamental implement, studys on problems of the finance fraudulence of public companies ' disclosure of accountant information.