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随便说说,我是学斯拉夫语的。Nothing really. I'm in Slavic studies.

捷克语,是斯拉夫语言的一种。Czech, a member of the Slavic languages.

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属于或关于斯拉夫语的。The Slavic language of the Belorussians.

这在历史上是第一个斯拉夫国家政权。This was the first Slavic nation-state in history.

维克多和安德烈将杰克带入了一间斯拉夫人餐馆的地下室躲藏。Andre and Victor bring Jack to the basement of a Slavic restaurant to hide.

古代有日尔曼人、斯拉夫人与居尔特人在此定居。The area was settled in ancient times by Germanic , Slavic and Celtic tribes.

韦莱斯是一个重大的斯拉夫水域神,但后来他成为了阴间的神。Veles was a major Slavic god of waters, but later he became a god of underworld.

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五岁的我,深色的刺猬头,一双如月亮般浅棕色的,斯拉夫人的眼睛,瘦长轻佻的身躯。Me at five, dark spiky hair, moon pale with brown almost Slavic eyes, wiry, coltish.

俄罗斯首都莫斯科在希腊语中为“城堡”之意,斯拉夫语为“石匠的城寨”。Moscow in ancient Greek for "castle" meaning, Slavic languages as "masons of Jericho.

在1世纪和5世纪之间,斯拉夫人的一支捷克人在此定居。The Czechs, a Slavic people, settled in the area between the 1st and 5th centuries a.d.

在的里雅斯特,炖肉通常搭配泡菜、香辣卷心菜等一起吃。In Trieste the dish may come with sauerkraut, spicy cabbage and other Slavic components.

官方语言是斯洛文尼亚语,属于南斯拉夫语言的一支。The official language is Slovenian, which is a member of the South Slavic language group.

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完成体和未完成体之间的对立见于许多斯拉夫语。The aspectual contrast between perfective and imperfective is found in many Slavic languages.

在这里Euan建议说如果他介入进来,那些斯拉夫地区的人就不会被误解。Here Euan suggests that if he were involved, those of Slavic origin would not be misunderstood.

波罗的-斯拉夫语印欧语系的亚语系,由波罗的语分支和…A subfamily of the Indo-European language family that consists of the Baltic and Slavic branches.

官方和常用的语言克罗地亚语是南方斯拉夫语言,使用的是拉丁字母。The official and common language, Croatian, is a South Slavic language, using the Latin alphabet.

对于许多意大利和奥地利人来说,它从斯洛文尼亚开始,因为那里是斯拉夫部落的西部前哨。For many Italians and Austrians, they begin in Slovenia, the Western outpost of the Slavic hordes.

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德语,还有希腊语、斯拉夫语,都保留有全部三种“语法性别”。German, together with Greek and the Slavic languages, has preserved all three grammatical genders.

我的主系是梵文、巴利文,两个副系是英国语言学和斯拉夫语言学。My two majors was Sanskrit and Pali language, two minors was English language and Slavic language.

斯拉夫人认为,丧葬仪式对生者来说不仅是一种精神慰藉,也是一次自我体验。Slavic peoples believe that to the living, funeral rites are spiritual solace and self-experience.