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于2002年开始练习合气道。Began training in Aikido in 2002.

在合气道武术Shomen宇智是国防开销罢工。In Aikido martial arts Shomen Uchi is an overhead strike defense.

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根据合气道的用语,他总结出了另外一种策略He concluded with an alternative strategy based on an Aikido phrase

更改攻击线攻击者是至关重要的先进合气道。Changing the line of attack an attacker is crucial in advanced Aikido.

我们欢迎所有海外的合气道练习者来我们的道场访问练习。We welcome all Overseas Aikido friends to visit and train at our Dojos.

无念无想、心如止水,以达至完全掌握合气道技法的境界。Focus on stillness rather than motion in order to master Aikido techniques.

遵循一个前月之剑的形式在不断上升合气道腹部切根,基二。A front tsuki follows a spiraling abdominal cut in the Aikido sword form Ken-Gi two.

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Migi克萨吉里遵循第一个克萨形式在合气道剑吉里肯罢工游戏王二。Migi Kesa Giri follows the first Kesa Giri strike in the Aikido sword form Ken-Gi two.

阿戴是一个很好的锻炼学习合气道如何抵御多种攻击。Dai Ashi is a great exercise in Aikido to learn how to defend against multiple attackers.

合气道的实践与第三度在此免费视频合气道黑带手腕上的技术。Practice aikido wrist techniques with a third-degree black belt in this free video on aikido.

反对在合气道翻领衬衫或抢防守很容易,因为它是最弱的一个持有。Defending against the shirt or lapel grab in Aikido is easy since it is one of the weakest holds.

一个螺旋上升的腹部切下一个螺旋式上升的形式合气道剑肯割喉游戏王二。A spiraling cut of the abdomen follows a spiraling throat cut in the Aikido sword form Ken-Gi two.

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合气道的实践与第三度在这个自由视频黑腰带上合气道自卫技巧。Practice aikido self defense techniques with a third-degree black belt in this free video on aikido.

要对一个直拳捍卫合气道简单地改变你的中心线和步骤出路。To defend against a straight punch in Aikido simply change your center line and step out of the way.

轧制是一个伟大的障碍合气道下降演习,教你成为你的感知周围环境。Obstacle rolling is a great Aikido falling exercise that teaches you to be aware of your surroundings.

关于如何从一个合气道专家此举迅速和有效地在此免费视频剪辑学习技巧。Learn tips on how to do this move quickly and effectively from an Aikido expert in this free video clip.

了解如何在Randori在这个自由合气道培训设有一个第四度黑带视频Iriminage。Learn how to do Iriminage in Randori in this free Aikido training video featuring a 4th degree black belt.

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了解如何在Randori在这个自由合气道培训设有一个第四度黑带视频Kokyunage。Learn how to do Kokyunage in Randori in this free Aikido training video featuring a 4th degree black belt.

在她训练时,她的丈夫练合气道,他们的女儿们就在健身房的苗圃里玩耍。While she trained, her husband did Aikido and their daughters entertained themselves in the gym's nursery.

合气道的实践与技巧外卖店从三度在此免费视频黑带武术武器。Practice aikido takeaways with tips from a third-degree black belt in this free video on martial arts weapons.