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白棋时限。White time.

白面包。White bread.

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白色?米黄色?White? Beige?

白的...Zen in white.

一件白袍。A white cloak.

水晶白麻。Crystal White.

非黑即白。Black or white.

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棕色还是白色?Brown or white?

我偏爱白色。I prefer white.

是白色垃圾吧。Is white trash.

白南瓜。White pumpkins.

一条白毛巾。One white towel.

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为什么是白色呢?Why is it white?

冬天是白色的。Winter is white.

颠倒黑白。Call black white.

他的毛是白色的。His fur is white.

白天鹅酒店。White swan hotel.

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白涯涯的黄沙。Ya Ya white sand.

其中有一个妖精问,“是白面包吗?Is it white bread?

雪花白。Snow Flower White.