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这样的自由是放肆的。This kind of freedom is licentious.

她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。She felt uncomfortable for his licentious act.

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而等到想放肆的时候,却失去了放肆的借口。But wait, but to unbridled lost licentious excuses.

于是这两个人便会去享受那胡天胡地的性爱。Then the two would enjoy their licentious lovemaking.

她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。She felt a little upset about her licentious behavior.

她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。She felt a bit comfortlessness to his licentious behavior.

习惯了放肆的说话,只因为,是朋友。Accustomed to licentious speak, just because, to be friends.

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她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。She feels a little uncomfortable about her licentious behavior.

媒体热衷于将她塑造成一种符号,一个放荡无忌的小女孩的标志。She is eagerly invoked in the media as a sign of how licentious little girls can be.

许多中国人对舞蹈中性意味强烈的动作表示不满,认为太过狂野和放荡。Many Chinese, who disapprove of its sexual movements, consider it unruly and licentious.

伟大的艺术家们虽然曾经都是放荡形骸的,但放荡形骸未必导致伟大的艺术。Though great artist have been licentious , licence do not necessarily result in great art.

他主人的妻子是一个放纵的女人,促使他的脚步走向地狱。The wife of his master is a licentious woman, one who urged his steps to take hold on hell.

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他将怎样创造性地,负责地使用他的自由,他将如何避免让自由成为放肆的。How can he use his freedom creatively and responsibly?How can he avoid that his freedom becomes licentious.

我骨子里有一种不安分的因子放肆地交涉,疲惫不休只想拼命的诉诸我脑子里一个理念,那就是逃离。My bones have a restless factor licentious representations, tired of endlessly want desperately to my mind a concept, that is to escape.

高丽国皇宫深院里妃嫔无数,他们均有许多不为外人知悉的淫宫乱史。Countless concubines stated in the courtyard of the imperial palace of Korean, who got a lot of licentious stories inside the palace which is not known.

底比斯的公主阿尔克墨涅在等候她的丈夫安菲特律翁从战争回归期间,竟爱上了放荡的宙斯,并发现自己怀了他的孩子。As Alcmene , Princess of Thebes, awaits the return of her husband Amphitryon from war, the virtuous bride falls victim to the licentious Zeus and finds herself carrying the great god's child.