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我们的周遭都是荆棘与嘈杂声浪。All about us is noise and bramble.

生活的荆棘中,我把一朵玫瑰选上。Off life's bramble bush, I picked a rose.

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欧洲的一种结红色浆果的蔓生悬钩子属植物。European trailing bramble with red berry like fruits.

花园里的刺藤和忍冬长得太多了。The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.

被认为是当今流行树莓类鸡尾酒的鼻祖。Thought to be the ancestor of todays popular Bramble cocktail.

另外,还有两种著名的芬兰酒分别用云莓和北冰洋黑莓酿成。Two well-known Finnish liquors are made from cloudberry and Arctic bramble.

这些化合物是首次从树莓叶水提物中分离得到,目前国内外还未见报道。At present, the compounds were found from the Bramble leaves for the first time.

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在我们踏遍荆棘并从林地钻出之后,非洲大地终于赢得了我们的回归!After our tangle with the bramble and the broken woodland, Africa has won us back.

布兰不莱说,“现在短跑选手的速度几乎正在接近人类极限”。"Modern sprinters seem to be operating close to the limits of the human body, " says Bramble.

当我们买下了这座房子的时候,花园里长满了山楂、黑莓等木本植物。When we bought the house the garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.

茉莉会继续关照布蓝布尔的。小狍子长大后会回到林子里的。Jasmine will continue to care for Bramble until she is old enough to be returned to woodland life.

一种结甜的、可食用的、黑色或深紫色浆果的悬钩子属植物,其果实通常不与花座分离。Bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle.

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一只瘦小的昆虫穿过荆棘丛杂乱的纸条,在花朵间飞来飞去取食花蜜。Navigating the tangled branches of a bramble bush, a waiflike insect flits between flowers to feed on nectar.

又一次俞先生指出我把爬山虎写成荆棘的错误,但又要我多写几篇给他看。Once Mr. Yu Guanying pointed out my mistake of taking Boston ivy for bramble and yet he asked me to write more.

认为从长远的发展来看,发展树莓加工产业不但势在必行,而且潜力巨大,前景广阔。In the long run- to develop the bramble processing industry is necessary and has great potential and broad prospect.

他举目四顾,只见自己是在一片宽阔的公地上,一眼望去,地上星星点点缀满了金雀花和黑麦子。He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see.

可是,新的一年我相信你可以,穿过艰难穿过痛苦穿过荆棘,然后,我们到达幸福的终点。At the same time, we can reach the end point with happy though the hardship, agony and bramble in a new year. I bet you can.

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在前方满是荆棘和泥泞的道路上,此外,也许还有更多的“歧路”和“穷途”,一个人更需有坚忍不拔的意志和顽强的毅力。In the life journey with bramble and miriness in the frontage, furthermore, perhaps it occurs more " branch roads " and "dead ends ".

兰帕德47分钟时接卡卢的传球完成了射门,卡卢连续晃过了索拉诺和布兰布尔,传给了进攻时的兰帕德。Lampard shot over in the 47th minute after Kalou had twisted his way past Solano and Titus Bramble to lay the ball back into his path.

尽管鞭子没有碰到她,可她的肩胛骨上却满是弯弯曲曲的红色鞭痕,就好像一枝树莓在播散它的荆棘。Though the switch hadn’t touched her, her shoulder blades had been tangled with curving red lines like a bramble spreading its thorns.