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喷火器喷出火焰。The flamethrower jetted out flames.

一架火焰喷射器又太扎眼。A flamethrower is just an attention-getter.

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能够拆除喷火塔以得到喷火武器。Flame Turrets to gain a flamethrower weapon.

能够拆除喷火塔以得到喷火武器。Can cannibalize Flame Turrets to gain a flamethrower weapon.

修正无法使用火焰喷射器反弹箭矢的错误。Fixed not being able to reflect arrows with the Flamethrower.

火焰喷射器现在有一系列的滑块可改变。The flamethrower now has a range slider which can be altered.

科林福尔茨给他时速每小时60英里的自行车,偷偷的装上了一个背向火焰喷射器。Colin Furze rigged his 60mph bike with a rear-facing flamethrower.

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降低装备火焰喷射器的士兵爆炸的几率。Probability of blowing up a flamethrower armed soldier is reduced.

如果我是男人我是五年前,我会采取喷火器去这个地方!If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place!

火焰喷射器最初于第一次世界大战的堑壕战中亮相,在第二次世界大战中更是被广泛使用。Flamethrower first in the appearance of World War I trench warfare in World War II is widely used.

你最好的选择就是一大堆快速的恶狼喷火车加上一些维修的农民。Your best bet is a strong corps of the speedy Hellion flamethrower units plus some SCVs for repair.

他的主要攻击武器是一个能够发射两条造成8点震荡伤害的短程平行溅射火焰的喷射器。Its main attack is a flamethrower that consists of two short parallel line splash of 8 concussive damage.

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这种该死的动物只能用喷火器杀死,然而它却有个貌似无害的名字,“椰子蟹”,真不知道当时这名字是怎么来的。We like how they chose the innocuous name "coconut crab" to describe something that can only be killed with a flamethrower.

也许你可以引爆一辆汽车,靠墙停住,堵住那扇门,或是用你的火焰喷射器融化出入孔把它关上。Maybe you could blowup a car and have it land against the wall blocking the door or use your flamethrower on a manhole cover to melt it shut.

兴许你可以引爆一辆汽车,靠墙愣住,堵住那扇门,或是用你的火焰喷射器熔化出入孔把它关上。Maybe you could blowup a car and have it land against the wall, blocking the door, or use your flamethrower on a manhole cover to melt it shut.