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只是狗屎黑鬼,是的,支持监听。Just blaze that shit up nigga, yeah, 'sup Snoop??

首先,我们要把史奴比狗狗移到我这桌。So, first of all, we need to move Snoop Dogg to my table.

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学生纠察队经常夜间在校园里巡逻。The house perfects often snoop around our campus at night.

这个“出租国家”的灵感得益于美国说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”。This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg.

女人比男人更爱窥探自己的配偶。Women were, though, more likely than men to snoop on their partners.

那位警察获得特许可调查该室档案。The policeman has special permission to snoop into the office records.

她窥探孩子行动的计划得不偿失,反而失去了他们的信任。Her plan to snoop on the kids backfired and they lost their trust in her.

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飞船的重型机头内安装了灵敏的远程传感器,用于执行探测任务。The ship's heavy nose contains sensitive long-range sensors for its snoop missions.

谈到音乐娱乐,史努比狗狗是我最喜欢的嘻哈歌手之一。Snoop Dogg is one of my favorite hip hop artist when it comes to music entertainment.

几个月后,敦南来到甜姐的餐馆探听小敏的音讯。Several months later, the elder sister, south to sweet words of XiaoMin restaurant snoop.

但他仍然可以被称为史努比狗狗狗狗,他在他的歌曲,或通过其他说唱歌手。But he still can be called Snoop Doggy Dogg, which he does in his songs, or by other rappers.

但是,嗅犬在1995年这场探险所显示的迷人画面,却使科麦隆渴求得到更多发现。But the eerie vista revealed by Snoop Dog on that1995 expedition made Cameron hunger for more.

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这些深夜的街头好事者们会时不时爬上雕像,给公爵头顶戴上一个交通路锥。These late-night street snoop once climb the statue, to the duke of head wear a traffic road cones.

我想再没有比看到一个成年人在车里听埃米纳姆或是斯努普·多格的音乐更让人难过的事了。I think there is nothing sadder than watching a grown man listen to Eminem or Snoop Dogg in his car.

时间就是在四月份。去年,史努普·道格还来我们的音乐会表演,场面非常火爆。It happens in, I think, April and last year we had Snoop Dogg come perform, so that was really cool.

去年他曾试图租下列支敦斯登,用于拍摄音乐录影带,但遭到该国政府拒绝。Last year Snoop Dogg tried to hire it to use in a music video, but received a refusal from authorities.

优秀的窥探者会坐到办公桌后面去,看看下面有没有成堆的鞋子,翻翻垃圾筒里都有些什么。A good snoop would have sat behind the man's desk, looked under it for piles of shoes, rummaged through the bin.

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有些美国人,像史奴比狗狗、嘎嘎小姐、塞缪尔•杰克逊、强尼•戴普和昆汀•塔伦蒂诺比其他美国人要酷得多。Some like Snoop Dogg, Lady Gaga, Samuel L. Jackson, Johnny Depp and Quentin Tarantino are way cooler than others.

音乐家,像扭曲姐妹组合的迪·施奈德、KISS组合成员以及说唱歌手史诺普·道格都敲过纽交所的钟。Musicians, such as Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, members of the KISS, and the rapper Snoop Dogg have all rung the NYSE bell.

史努比是最有名的MC在西海岸嘻哈现场,制片人德瑞博士的最显着的门徒之一。Snoop is best known as an MC in the West Coast hip hop scene, and for being one of producer Dr. Dre's most notable protégés.