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他们喜欢定制化和个性化。They love to customise and personalise.

泰特尔能用各种方式改装打字机。Mr Tytell could customise typewriters in all kinds of ways.

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读者可以自行订制浏览窗布局,并测试七种不同的版本。Readers can customise the layout and test seven different versions.

如何依照你的饮食需求或敏感物而制定食谱How to customise recipes for your dietary requirements or allergies.

用户化的主页-选择充分的用户化自己的主页是一个很好的尝试。Customisable homepage- the option to fully customise the home page is a nice touch.

比如说,从揉面开始,在咖啡厅接待客人,制作意式花样咖啡等各种职务。From dough making, the employee manage to serve the customise and to make Fancy Italy coffee.

如果你在某一方面需要加强英语的运用,我可以为你量身订作课程。If you need special focus on a particular area, I can customise my lessons to suit your needs.

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大约1700万人每天登录自己的主页,从一月份起,网民可以根据自己的喜好使主页个性化。Some 17m people visit its home-page every day and since January they have been able to customise it according to their own tastes.

用户可以可以利用大量插件中的大多数来定制他们的店铺,让他们的管理体验更加容易。Users can make the most of the numerous add-ons available to customise their store and make their admin experience a little easier.

目前客户还无法定制这样的接口,即它公开平台的任何更加可管理的属性。There is currently no way that users can customise an interface such that it exposes any more manageable attributes of the platform.

为了保证你获得访问新立得的权限,当被问到你是否要在搭建期间自定义你的CD时候,回答“是”。To ensure you gain access to Synaptic, answer 'Yes' when you're asked whether you want to customise the CD manually during building.

添加这个到GUI的界面,显而易见凡是有一些个性的人都能迅速容易地自定义自己的Ubuntu拷贝。Add this to the intuitiveness of the GUI and it's easy to see that anyone with the inclination can customise their copy of Ubuntu quickly and easily.

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为了自定义的测试您的要求,选择从磨石配件种类繁多的研磨轮,以模拟真实的磨损情况。In order to customise the test to your requirements, choose from a wide variety of abrading wheels and abraser accessories to simulate real-life wear conditions.

一个国际研究小组正在开发一种针对主角扮演游戏用户的新技术,该技术让观众可以实时控制动作和声音。Taking cues from first-person gaming, an international team is developing a TV service that allows viewers to customise live coverage of sports and music events.

你可以通过选择或是上传logo和墙纸来自定义你的衍生发行版本的视觉效果,给它一种个人的感觉。You can then customise the look and feel by selecting from the logos and wallpapers provided, or you can upload your own to give your respin that personal touch.

网站针对全球的目的地生成许多条推荐线路,并允许用户根据自己的旅行天数以及希望参观的景点,对自己的行程表进行定制。The site generates suggested itineraries for destinations around the world, and allows users to customise their schedules according to how many days they are visiting, and what they want to see.

FRAPS这里将存储在默认情况下所有的电影,这个文件夹是你安装FRAPS到同一目录,您可以选择的文件夹,但你可以定制它来保存磁盘上的任何地方。You can select the folder where Fraps will store all movies in. By default this folder is the same as the directory you installed Fraps into, but you can customise it to save anywhere on your disk.