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论证了情报学研究方法的“统合”。It expounds and proves the "Unite"of informatics study.

这是欧洲生物信息研究所生物芯片研究组的网站。This is the website for Microarray Informatics Group at the EBI.

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DICOM标准是在医学信息学领域中正在兴起的标准。DICOM is a standard developing in the field of medical informatics.

情报处理是情报学研究的重要组成部分。Information processing is an important component of informatics research.

情报学知识与自然科学知识都具有反身性。Both informatics knowledge and natural science knowledge have reflexivity.

于是情报学开始从“殖民地”向“帝国”的转变。Therefore, informatics is beginning to transform from a "colony" to all "empire".

拟在河北软件职业技术学院设立计算机医学系。UMIT attends to set up medical informatics specialty in Heibei Software Institute.

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将近有一半人涉足信息学或科技领域,他们中的某些还属于高收入人群。Nearly half worked in informatics or technology, and some of them earned high incomes.

1996年,我代表中国前往布达佩斯,去参加第八届国际奥林匹克信息学竞赛。In1996, , I represented China to go to Budapest for the 8th International Olympiadin Informatics.

文章很棒,对医疗信息产业的主要问题给出了正确的诊断。Great article and a correct diagnosis of one of the main problems of the Healthcare Informatics industry.

这种冲突如今在卫生保健组织中非常常见,尤其对于卫生信息学。This conflict is very common in health care organizations today, especially regarding health informatics.

但是什么局限了它们一代代信息杂交存在某种反复或重复?But what limits are there to the kind of reiterative, informatics cross-breeding underlying their generation?

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所以我想进入信息学院进行进一步的博士学习,并在这里找到自己的兴趣和理想。I would like to enter the School of Informatics doctoral study further and find their own interests and ideals.

同时介绍地理信息科学的性质、研究内容、已有基础和应用前景。It also introduces the character, research content, available basis and application prospects of geo informatics.

在一些组织中是否购买或者建立一个健康信息系统的意愿已经存在冲突了。This certainly has been a conflict in many organizations that wish to purchase or build a health informatics system.

但是世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门负责人布尔马表示,在提供良好的保健方面,钱是起关键作用的。Health Statistics and Informatics Department Director Ties Boerma says money talks when it comes to providing good health.

但是世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门负责人布尔马表示,在提供良好的保健方面,钱是起关键作用的。But WHO Health Statistics and Informatics Department Director Ties Boerma says money talks when it comes to providing good health.

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尽管车用远程信息技术问世已有一段时间,但意大利的科学家又在其中添加了一个新的组件。While telecommunications and informatics in cars has been in use for some time, the Italian researchers have added one more ingredient.

凡在我校报读雅思班的学员,均可免费享受以下学校的留学咨询服务。Students who are enrolled in the IELTS programme may seek for free consultation & assistance from Informatics Further Studies department.

这包括在医学信息方面与欧洲经济共同体开展合作以及与经济合作与发展组织开展合作以审查其卫生数据库。This included collaboration with the European Economic Community on medical informatics and with the OECD in reviewing its health database.