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第十一,培养宗教信仰和精神支柱。Eleven, practise religion and spirituality.

罗马书第八章告诉我们灵程的真义。Romans 8 tells us what true spirituality involves.

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人们都能认可潘多拉星球的灵性。The spirituality of the world of Pandora plays well.

灵修科学协会的基本教理是什么?What are the basic teachings of Science of Spirituality?

性情与灵趣是性灵在袁文中的展现。Sentiments and inspiration are embodiment of Spirituality.

在我看来,灵性是一个非常适合去探索的很丰富的领域。In my view, spirituality is a very rich field for exploration.

它也给人一种灵动的感觉,鼓励创造性。It also gives a sense of spirituality and encourages creativity.

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榕树即代表了亚洲的精神又代表了其经济意识。The banyan spans Asia’s spirituality and its entrepreneurialism.

只要是沾上灵性和宗教的东西我都排外。I was closed to anything that smacked of spirituality and religion.

我们基督教每年有两次,与灵性或是自然接触的机会。We see Judaism intersect with spirituality or nature twice a year.

拉欣在陈晴山的信件中看到他深刻的灵性。From Qing-shan's letters, Rahim senses the depth of his spirituality.

他担心自己的精神性,然后又讥讽他的营友。He worries about his spirituality and then skewers his fellow campers.

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现在,返回真诚和道德的道路是开放和无阻碍的。Today, the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded.

这还联系到了另一个概念,那就是灵性的概念。That's one of the places we are connect back to the notion of spirituality.

我们坚持让别人尊重自己,又如何平衡自己的心灵呢?How can we balance our spirituality with insisting someone treat us with honor?

很少友人谈论这个,因此我知道我填补了这个空白。I have something very unique to discuss with readers- the spirituality of work.

人性讲堂,是有关道德、精神和文化的节目。And the Inner Core is a show about morality, about spirituality and about culture.

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就是这样高尚的灵魂让他达到道德上的成熟。But that kind of spirituality led toward to be moral maturity, back to you friend.

在秋雨的笔下,莫高窟似乎带着一种灵性。In the autumn of the pen, with a kind of spirituality seems to the Mogao Grottoes.

我感觉到我正在得到我的灵性的支持,有种正义感。I felt that I was being supported in my spirituality and felt a sense of rightness.