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最后我们从70篇文献中、分40个层次整理有关资料。Ultimately, we abstracted data from 70 articles and 40 cohorts.

所以至少和班级一起修一门课,有时候更多。So you take at least one, sometimes more classes with your cohorts.

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与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists Degas, Monet and Cezanne.

在这些患者中舒尼替尼和卡培他滨的剂量逐步递增。Sunitinib and capecitabine doses were escalated in serial patient cohorts.

宾州应用心理学硕士课程的,另一种交流形式是团体交流。Another more of interaction that you get in the MAPP program is with cohorts.

该法律下的处罚力度增加了十倍,并且调动了多个警察分队加强执法。Penalties increased ten-fold and cohorts of police were mobilized for enforcement.

这是要求卡扎菲和同伙结束杀戮最为明确的一项指令。It is the clearest possible directive to Gaddafi and his cohorts to end the killing.

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研究者评论说,两组患者总的生存曲线重叠。The overall survival curves of the 2 cohorts were superimposable, the researchers commented.

真正的“披斗篷的斗士“要迟到时,会打电话通知,他正义军团的伙伴的。我步行来的。The real Caped Crusader calls his crime-fighting cohorts when he's running late. I had to walk.

对研究群体的疾病表现、治疗及肿瘤结局进行比较。The study cohorts were compared with regard to disease presentation, treatment, and oncologic outcomes.

采用一个多国研究模型描述了六组队列,包含10万名15岁的女孩且寿命都超过了45岁。A multistate model depicted six cohorts of 100 000 15-year-old girls who survived until the age of 45 years.

同时,以上结果仅限于高加索人群,对其他种族的人群也许不能推广使用。Also, the findings were restricted to a Caucasian cohort and may not be generalizable to other ethnic cohorts.

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和您的队友及同伴集体讨论与客户联系交互的所有可能的方法。Brainstorm with your teammates and cohorts on all the possible ways to contact and interact with your clients.

例如,从KIPP的纽约市学校更近的同伙正在完成率百分之46在大学。For instance, more recent cohorts from KIPP's New York City schools are completing college at a 46 percent rate.

这对信用卡的拥有者和使用者来说意味着拥有更多的信用卡和更高的信用额度。That means more cards and extended credit lines to current users and their demographic and psychographic cohorts.

在我们把它归结为因果联系前我们想知道与不同群体间的联系。We would want to see this association replicated in other cohorts before we attribute a causal relationship to it.

比如,杰克逊研究的参与者中肥胖者所占比例比弗雷明汉研究队伍中的人高。For instance, there is a higher prevalence of obesity among Jackson participants than seen in the Framingham cohorts.

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文章对相关年龄组流行阶段的百日咳呈报案例进行了系列生态学分析。A series of ecologic analyses of pertussis notifications during epidemic periods in relevant age cohorts were conducted.

更糟糕的是,霹雳州统治者与纳吉和国阵政府站在同一阵线。The matter got worse as the Perak Ruler worked in cohorts with Najib and the ruling National Front Coalition government.

前瞻性人口和健康群组是评估儿童死亡率和其他人口指标的最准确方法。Prospective demographic and health cohorts are the most accurate method to assess child mortality and other demographic indices.