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他是个大胆的投资者。He is a venturesome investor.

全部研究都是一个冒险的生意。All research is a venturesome business.

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前往月球旅行是冒险的。Atrip to the moon is a venturesome journey.

对女人来说,爱情是一条致命跑道。For women love is a race track venturesome and deathful.

我们具有冒险精神的14个月大的儿子Luke有一次在我丈母娘家。Luke, our venturesome 14-month-old son, was at my mother-in-law's house.

一个盈利的企业必须有一个具备胆识和冒险革新视野的领导人。D. a profitable company must have a boss with bold and venturesome vision.

尽管已经97岁高龄,但这顶诺奖桂冠使其人生及在迪拜的生活更传奇色彩。Though 97 years old, the Nobel laureate leads a venturesome life and has been otherwise engaged in Dubai.

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例如「看不见的东西变成看得见」,「不能动的东西变成能动」,「冒险式的未知技术变成科学式的技术」。For example like "See invisible thing", "Move unmovable thing" we try to science venturesome unknown technology.

我尝试了很多之前用过且奏效的方法鼓励他们大胆一些,但情况依然如此,丝毫不见好转。I tried to encourage them to be more venturesome with tactics I had used successfully in the past but nothing worked.

拜德教授强调,这种无畏的消费观念与国家商业文化非常相符。Mr Bhidé insists that such "venturesome consumption" is a vital counterpart to the country's entrepreneurial business culture.

噢,“小狐狸说,“那么,做个正直的人不就用不着去学这些丢人,冒险的本领了吗?。Oh, "said the little fox , "Well, we needn't learn these disgracing and venturesome tricks if we try to be honest persons, is it right?

更具体地说,人们用这个词来指那些有冒险精神的人,他们用更新更好的方法来刺激经济进步。More specifically, it came to be used to identify the venturesome individuals who stimulated economic progress by finding new and better ways of doing things.

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它已迎接了来自世界各地数以百万计的被压迫的和好冒险的人们,他们怀揣希冀漂洋过海,充满希望地寻求自由和机会。The statue has greeted many millions of the oppressed and of the venturesome of other lands who have crossed the ocean in hopeful search of greater freedom and opportunity.