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给我看看你的手帕。Show me your hanky.

我有一块黄手帕。I've a yellow hanky.

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这是妈妈的手帕吗?Is this Mama's hanky?

看好了,有人需要手帕吗?Check this out. Anybody need a hanky?

他将一条丝手帕放入上衣口袋。He put a silk hanky in his breast pocket.

那部电影真是赚人热泪!That movie was a three- hanky tear jerker.

我觉得最后一次的选举中有猫腻。I think there was some hanky -panky with the last election.

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你然后通过手帕对观众与里面金刚石。You then pass the hanky to the spectator with the diamonds inside.

你也可以在一个棉球或手帕中滴一两滴,然后吸入这种味道。You can also put a drop or two in a cotton ball or hanky and inhale.

纯爱小说大师的最新爱情催泪弹。The latest 4- hanky love story by the master of sweet, heartwarming romantic tales.

昨晚我在看“欧普拉的大奖”的时候用我的手帕拭了眼泪。I was dabbing away the tears in my hanky last night while watching Oprah's Big Give.

一粒扣的紧身西服会成为主流趋势,西服口袋装的丝手帕或白方巾这些小件也是如此。One-button fastenings are a key trend, as are details such a silk pocket hanky or white pocket square.

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你安置你的黑手帕入你的手,并且观众倾吐金刚石入你的手与手帕。You place your black handkerchief into your hand and the spectator pours diamonds into your hand with the hanky.

基于同一种目的,有许多无党派团体会密切关注竞选,从而来确保投票箱里没有猫腻。In the same vein, there are a number of non-partisan groups that observe the election to insure that there is no hanky -panky with any of the ballot boxes.

无论是第一次还是第七次约会,很多男的都很介意女人不让她们揩油。Whether it be on the first date or the seventh, many single men don't take lightly to being refused a little hanky panky. Even if they say they're OK with it.