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一种技巧的游戏。A game of skill.

狂怒现在成为巧妙的技能。Fury now became skill.

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俺只会烧菜做饭。My only skill is cooking.

第四阶段学习刀法。Phase IV study sword skill.

她能很熟练地织东西。She weaves with great skill.

调准钢琴需要技巧。It needs skill to tune a piano.

为钢琴调音需要技巧。It takes skill to tune a piano.

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他对车床的操作很熟练。He operates the lathe with skill.

实践是取得任何技能的要诀。Practice is the key to any skill.

我没有学那项新技术。I have yet to learn the new skill.

他在大家面前显示自己的技能。He displayed his skill to everyone.

她的游泳技术相当有名。Her skill in swimming is well-know.

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他业务水平怎么样?How good is his professional skill?

钻洞是个很难的技术活。It’s a hard skill to make the hole.

他在技术上不久便与其它人匹敌。He soon rivaled the others in skill.

为学在思,为艺在心。Leaning is thinking, Skill by heart.

他们试图成为沙皇。They try their skill at being tsars.

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他的技术水平令人拍案叫绝。His skill level was simply astounding.

非常类似线上创世纪的驯服技能。It's quite similar to UO taming skill.

你能学以致用吗?Can you apply your skill purposefully ?