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湖南农民变得非常富有战斗性。The hunanese peasantry became very militant.

工人阶级的同盟军是农民阶级。The ally of the working class was the peasantry.

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农民是城市化实践过程的重要主体。Peasantry is an important subject in the urbanization process.

农民这个名称所包括的内容,主要地是指贫农和中农。The term " peasantry" refers mainly to the poor and middle peasants.

还有很多关于俄罗斯农民改革的东西。There's a lot of stuff about the reform of the Russian peasantry too.

多数情况是贫农的当前要求得到了满足。In many cases the immediate demands of the poor peasantry were satisfied.

这次运动很大部份是反农民的真实的战争。This campaign took on the proportions of a veritable war against the peasantry.

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他很重视对普通人的政治动员,尤其是农民。He emphasized political mobilization of the common man, especially the peasantry.

“三农”问题是不和谐社会的最关键因素。"Farming, Countryside and Peasantry" is the key cause of a disharmonious society.

国民党是反对土地革命的,因此没有农民的援助。It opposes the agrarian revolution and therefore has no support from the peasantry.

印度的农民阶级和他们的政治力量现在全球范围延伸。These are India's peasantry and their political power is being felt on a global scale.

但富农一般都自己参加劳动,在这点上它又是农民的一部分。But they generally engage in labour themselves and in this sense are part of the peasantry.

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这几年进行的农村的改革,是一种带革命意义的改革。A rural revolution is a revolution by which the peasantry overthrows the power of the feudal landlord class.

尽管农民阶级奋起反抗,仍没改变他们失去土地所有权的事实,重新被划分成小块的土地仅供农民租用。The land reform distributed plots to farmers for use but not ownership, despite resistance of the peasantry.

不过,由于农民并未在农会中取得主体性地位,在相当程度上制约了农会的运作绩效。But because the peasantry did not take first station, the organization's function was restricted in some extent.

皇室家族经常为新生的王子画星盘,但是许多奴隶和一些农民也会有机会去使用占星学。Royal figures had charts drawn up for newborn princes but most slaves or peasantry had little time or use for it.

然而,解放区的农民群众,尤其是广大的贫农,仍然处于被剥削的地位。However, the peasantry in the liberated area, especially the masses of poor peasants, still in the position exploited.

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事实上,在大革命时期的湖南农民运动中,存在不少“左”的偏差或错误。In fact, lots of "Left" deviations and errors in Hunan Peasantry Movement existed during the Great Revolution Movement.

农村金融改革和支农服务的目标应是建立起一个能满足“三农”发展的金融体系。We should establish a financial system that can meet the development of the agriculture, tile village and the peasantry.

在农民和工人当中,随地吐痰似乎更能够被接受。Both considered the act boorish and uncivilized. Spitting among the peasantry and the proletariat seemed more acceptable.