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它们模拟真实情况。They mimic in a real sense we do it.

她5岁时就学会模仿。She learned to mimic at the age of five.

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而这个梦将会模仿出现在你脑中的故事。Your dream should mimic the story in your mind.

“我们想模仿杂货店,”Sats回忆说。"We tried to mimic the grocery store, " Satz recalls.

于是我留神不在爸爸身边做完美的模仿。I took care not to be such a perfect mimic around my dad.

研究人员用玻璃试管模拟血管。The researchers used a glass tube to mimic a blood vessel.

仿制品,抢了正版风光和利益的,谓之盗版。Mimic copies grabs the interest and fame are called pirate.

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类比的颜色的影响过滤器和正色胶片。Mimic the effect of color filters and orthochromatic films.

现代液体钙产品模仿这种自然的方法。Modern liquid calcium products mimic this natural approach.

这种症状真的很像抑郁症,但通常是非常短期的。They really mimic depression, but are usually shorter-term.

一侧新鲜标本上,摹拟术式设计。Mimic operation was performed on one side of fresh specimen.

虽然,研究人员并未要求受测者刻意模仿语速和停顿。They did this without being directed to mimic tempo or pauses.

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别漏看了上面那片云哟,它正在努力模仿小岛的形状呢!Don't miss that cloud above trying to mimic the island's shape!

人们还会把脸抹成白色以模仿死者。Faces will also be painted white to mimic the pallor of the dead.

为手机开发模仿其他成型产品的新游戏。Create new games for phones that mimic established ones elsewhere.

你的近亲程度可能会模仿面试官的举止行为。Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor.

在跑步中,应该下意识地模仿这种步法来避免脚跟先着地的情况。Mimic this by consciously avoiding landing on your heels as you run.

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他们常常去尝试和模仿在大银幕上看到的事情。They usually try and mimic what they have watched on the big screen.

传统的避孕药物模拟规律的28天月经周期。Traditional birth control pills mimic a regular 28-day monthly cycle.

尽管模仿鸟学很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖。Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds.