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这是一个公共约定。This is a common convention.

方向应该根据惯例来选取。I have to choose a convention.

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这是最屎的会议?The shittiest convention ever?

那是约定俗成的That is a matter of convention.

你的命名约定是什么?What is your naming convention?

功等于力乘以距离。OK, but we need a convention here.

委派为代表参加会议。He was delegated to the convention.

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完全没有。我们的大会?Nothing at all. And our convention?

伊朗是这一公约的签署国。Iran is a signatory to this convention.

我不认为竞选会持续到全国大会召开时。I do not see it going to the convention.

他觉得自己受到了习俗的束缚…He felt himself trammelled by convention.

现在我输入。Now I'm typing dot slash as a convention.

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现在有一个我不会错过的好会议。Now this is a convention I wouldn't miss.

本公约适用于海上拖轮。This Convention applies to sea-going tugs.

所有命令应该遵守此约定。All commands should follow this convention.

创新常常战胜惯例。Originality often triumphs over convention.

我们藐视习惯势力。We are scornful of the forces of convention.

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他们不怕打破常规。They are not afraid to break with convention.

你说的void,那是一个约定,请说。You say void and that's the convention. Yeah.

他轻视所有的社会习俗。He sets at naught every convention of society.