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我们在山顶野营。We tented on the hilltop.

我们安排他们在湖畔宿营。We tented them by the lake.

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他双手捂头。He tented his head with his hands.

昨夜我们在森林里住帐篷。Last night, we tented in the forest.

形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes.

在我居住的四方院子的前排楼房下已经铺起地板,支起帐篷。The front quad, where I lived, was floored and tented.

欢迎来到泰国金三角四季帐篷营地。Welcome to Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle, Thailand.

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护生对电脑的态度是正向的。The nursing students tented to have a positive attitude towards computers.

响亮的流行音乐从10英里之外巨大的搭满帐篷的棚户区传来。Pop music can be heard 10 miles away blasting out from the huge tented shanty -town.

美国人有以帐篷复盖观看边境移居者作为自由的个体的模型。Americans have tented to view the frontier settler as a model of the free individual.

她把右手的指尖交叉地撑在她左手的指尖上。She tented the tips of the fingers of her right hand with the tips of her fingers of her left.

你可以从有很多帐篷的地方对这个喜马拉雅山脉小佛教国家了解更多。There are many tented ares where you can learn more about this small Buddhist country in the Himalayan Mountains.

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四川,因地震而无家可归的儿童,参加他们学校的第一天课,在帐篷教室。Children left homeless by the China earthquake attend their first day of school in a tented classroom in Sichuan province.

同时,它还展示着可以追溯到几千年前的San人创作的岩石艺术,你可以选择住大庄园或者小帐篷。It also boasts rock art by the San people dating back thousands of years, and a choice of accommodation – from tented lodges to a manor house.

在无计划地占用山林农田建造厂房的地震灾区,在一些大的城镇,许多学校的建立一定程度上依赖于勤务兵和许多居住在帐篷里面的难民。In the sprawling quake zone, more schools reopened in the fairly orderly and teeming tented refugee camps in some of the larger towns and cities.

传统服装的一个酒吧的人准备服务于游客的豪华帐篷于2008年10月12日在Petra,约旦贝都因人在瓦迪鲁姆沙漠营地。A bar man in traditional dress prepares to serve tourists at a luxury tented Bedouin desert camp in Wadi Rum on October 12, 2008 in Petra, Jordan.

国际背景主要是和平与发展时代条件下的世界各国经济贸易联系的日益加深。The international background is mainly the economic ties among different nations tented to be widen and deepen at the peace and development times.

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就在15帐篷住宿-在豪华独特,手工锻打铜浴缸完整-呼应了19世纪的探险家的浪漫精神。Just 15 tented accommodations – unique in luxury, complete with hand-hammered copper bathtubs – echo the romantic spirit of 19th-century explorers.

公司自成立以来以人为本,以质量求生存,以服务为宗旨的经营理念,赢得广大客户的信赖。Since its establishment, the company holds the operation concepts of human-oriented, quality foremost and service- tented , and we have gained the customers'confidence.

这条狭轨铁路建成于1899年,就此终结了奇尔库特小道作为通往北方最佳通道的历史,森林又重新覆盖了那些曾经的帐篷小镇。The completion of the narrow-gauge line in 1899 brought an end to the Chilkoot as the best route north. The forest reclaimed its tented towns as quickly as they had sprung up.