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于是,在1954年,他出版了一本记载事实和各种纪录的大全。So in 1954 he published a compendium of facts and records.

在许多人看来,词典是一种有用但乏味的工具书。To many people a dictionary is a useful but a bleak compendium.

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阅读已发布的软件架构定义的纲要。Read a compendium of published software architecture definitions.

简编代表着该地区的重点工作不可缺少的审查。The compendium represents an indispensable review of key work in the area.

可以考虑请贾柏先生来对之前各位先生的概要做一个明确的陈述。For specific statements a previous compendium of Messrs. Gabo could be consulted.

这部影片是折磨虐待的概要,也许能让S&M俱乐部的正规会员们心寒恐慌。The movie is a compendium of tortures that would horrify the regulars at an S&M club.

官方论坛,网站及相关概略内容也将再此期间有短期时间无法登陆。The forums, website, and Compendium may have short periods of downtime during this window.

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这个罗马的一切旧道德的结晶品享尽高龄后在受人敬畏中寿终。This compendium of all the old Roman virtues died at an advanced age, respected and feared.

伦敦是“人文荟萃之区,全球最完备的缩影”。London was "the biggest aggregation of human life-the most complete compendium of the world".

现在回想起存于其中的知识概要,仍旧令我为之倾倒。I think back over the compendium of knowledge that exists there, and it still takes my breath away.

因此,9月24日,他所在机构的气候变化网站刊登了一份新的气候变化科学研究总目录。So on September 24, his agency’s climate-science website unveiled a new Climate Change Science Compendium.

但是,一旦你发现手机没电了或者没有信号了,你就不能查到你想要的。However, once you find yourself with a dead cell phone or in the wilderness, your access to the compendium is lost.

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元素周期表是官方的已知元素的汇总,它是根据元素的原子结构特种来组织的。The table is the official compendium of known elements, organised according to properties of their atomic structure.

在各条路线间穿梭,会发现建筑中集结着各种各样的类型,就像一个小型郊区那样。Their transformation along each itinerary agglomerates the compendium of typologies that are structured like small suburbs.

这本书是一个大要所有的类型图解式的引起兴趣的相簿艺术,包含的各种音乐和音乐开发者。This book is a compendium of all types of graphically appealing album art, covering all kinds of music and music developers.

标准低能耗开发产品的概要使得低能耗开发项目更加容易和快捷,他有已经制作好的外形工具包。The compendium of standard ZEDproducts helps make building ZEDs simpler and quicker, and has ready-made outline work packages.

阿富汗战争日记是一份特别的摘要,覆盖了2004年到2010年超过91,000份关于战争的报道。The Afghan War Diary an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91, 000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010.

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如果公司在申请中将水的质量具体到药典的质量,水应该满足药典中给出的标准。If the firm specifies a water of compendial quality in an application, the water should meet the standards given in the compendium.

‘奥巴马’是最值得注意的‘UCLA俚语6’之一,最近在学生中被广泛使用。“Obama” was one of the most noteworthy new entries in “ U.C.L.A. Slang 6, ” a recently released compendium of student colloquialisms.

一个俏皮话,大大娱乐趣闻汇编,以及有关温斯顿丘吉尔琐事由前白宫撰稿人。An enormously entertaining compendium of witticisms, anecdotes, and trivia about Winston Churchill by a former White House speechwriter.