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健康所系,性命所托。Tie with health, entrust by life.

不要将你的计划委托给一个“接线员”。Do not entrust your project to an "order taker".

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我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家代理。We are decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars.

你要么自己来,要么托人办理此事。Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter.

你若靠赖祂的看顾,神的能力必要更新你的生命。Entrust yourself to his care, and God's power will renew your life.

就是代替自己的顾主受理他的委托业务!Replace what oneself client accepts him to entrust business namely!

你们可以委托我司作为贵司衬衫在我国的独家代理商。You can entrust us with the soled agency for your shirt in our country.

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把工作交托给你的团队继续用心制订政策并切实执行。Entrust your team to remain diligent in developing and implementing policy.

“你的弟弟有没有托你带什么东西回英国?”他说道。"Did your brother entrust anything to you to take back to England?" said he.

没有人会用有机械臂的扫描仪来仅仅扫描一种书!One can't entrust their one-of-a-kind book with a machine with mechanical hand.

自诉案件的被告人有权随时委托辩护人。The accused in a private prosecution has the right to entrust defenders at any time.

在单轨制侦查构造的基础上,适当赋予辩方取证权利。On the basis of single track, entrust the defenders to the right of obtaining evidence.

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您是说我委托贵行缴费,贵行从我的牡丹卡账户上代扣。You mean that I entrust you and then you pay the charges directly from my card account.

王师北口喷鲜血,将家乡的老娘托付于刀锋。King division north entrance injection blood, will entrust in the old niang hometown blade.

在代理签名方案中,原始签名人能将其数字签名权力委托给代理签名人。With proxy signature, an original signer can entrust his signing authority to a proxy signer.

我们将该分公司业务委托于本公司创建人之一的河野八郎先生经理。We have entrust the management thereof to Mr. h. kono, one of the original founder of our firm.

因为在中国,公益性机构是相对较新的组织,人们不知道是谁给予他们钱。Because NGOs are relatively new in the country, people don't know who to entrust their money to.

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老板忙不过来,但是没有可以委以重任的助手。Boss is unbearably busy, but does not have the assistant who may entrust with an important task.

他们说服顾客们委托他们的信用卡来办事——正如亚马逊和苹果都这么做了。They persuade customers to entrust them with their credit cards—as both Amazon and Apple have done.

涉及具体事项委托时,甲方以书面的方式另行对乙方进行授权。Concerns special entrust commitment, Party A shall issue a power of attorney to Party B in addition.