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神殿中巨大的多柱厅,有一部分是在他统治的时期建造的。The gigantic columned hall of that temple was partially built during his reign.

其主要功用是引燃位于红外增强吊舱药罐内的固体药柱。Its main function is igniting the solid charge columned in the charge pot in the infrared strengthen pod.

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沙特尔大教堂的圆柱西波特尔商标的重新开始的三维雕塑的出现。The columned west portal of Chartres cathedral marks the beginning of the re-emergence of three-dimensional sculpture.

干燥的蚕沙呈小圆柱型颗粒,坚实,均匀,色黑或墨绿。The dried silkworm feces is presented a small columned granule of massiness and uniformity which is black or blackish green.

这个中庭,有圆柱环绕的门廊,延伸到中古世纪风的大楼之下,在中间有一个水池。The atrium, which had a columned portico all around, extended under all the medieval edifice and had at its centre a cistern.

印度教的庙宇在各地区各不相同,常包括高耸的神龛和带柱子的大殿,墙面雕刻丰富。Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall.

研究一种新型复合夹芯结构,即低密度泡沫芯材与菱苦土柱状结构复合芯材。This paper discussed a new structure of compound samdwich which is composed of foam with lower density and columned magnesite.

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研究海道测量海洋底质沉积物柱状样品处理技术与方法。The paper researches on the technique and methods of the columned sample processing of the seabed sediment in hydrographic survey.

一座由石柱建构而成的庞大寺庙,几乎完全以大理石建造,雅典的古巴特农神庙是古希腊建筑的完美典范。An immense, columned temple, built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is a perfect model of classical Greek architecture.

座落于雅典的古帕台农神庙,是座几乎全是大理石结构的雄伟精妙的圆柱型巨殿。它是古典希腊式建筑完美之典范。An immense, columned temple built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is the consummate example of classical Greek architecture.

在它围着的那个圈子里,就是约翰-威尔克斯家住宅的遗址。这幢曾经显赫一时的大厦高踞在小山顶上,白柱长廊,庄严宏伟,可现在已沦为一片废墟。Within their circle lay the ruins of John Wilkes' house, the charred remains of that once stately home which had crowned the hill in white- columned dignity.

羽化后5天未交尾雌蛾,腺体细胞呈单层排列,中央细胞为柱状,细胞核为椭圆形。The glandular cells of 5-day old virgin female M. separata are arranged in one layer, among which the central cells are columned and the nucleus is elliptical.

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论文根据圆柱发汗体填充模型分析结果,给出了圆柱体发汗体试件的最小尺寸和推荐尺寸的计算方法。Based on the analysed results of columned sinter filling model, the calculational methods of minimum size and recommended size of columned sweat-sinter have been given.

单纯支气管扩张27例,其中柱状扩张12例,囊状扩张8例,混合扩张5例,2例慢性支气管炎。Among the 27 patients with simple bronchiectasis, there were 12 ones with columned bronchiectasis, 8 with cystiform bronchiectasis, 5 with mixed bronchiectasis and 2 with chronic bronchitis.

排成一纵队的歌迷手持蜡烛沿着格雷斯兰又长又弯曲的车道向前行进,经过猫王的墓。墓地位于白色圆柱房旁的一个小花园里。The procession, with fans walking mostly single-file and holding candles, filed up Gracelands long winding driveway and past Presleys grave in a small garden beside the white- columned house.

针对圆管道内空气流经圆柱形恒功率加热电阻元件这一情形进行了流体仿真实验。And the feasibility of the two measurement methods is demonstrated. 3 Computer simulation is performed in the situation of air passing by a heating columned thermistor through a round pipeline.