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我要通过操练英语来重塑我自己!I want to pass to drill English to remould myself!

要改造一个不正经的女人,并非易事。It is anything but easy to remould a lady of easy virtue.

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改造世界观需要进行艰苦的斗争。To remould one's world outlook involves arduous struggle.

我们每个人都必须改造自己的世界观。It is imperative that every one of us remould his world outlook.

因此我说,亚洲大学必须重塑自身。Therefore I said that the Asian University must remould oneself.

我们每一个人都必须改造自己的世界观。It is imperative for everyone of us to remould his world outlook!

用中国现代通俗的话说是改造自己的主观世界。Using Chinese present popular wording that is to remould one ' s subjective world.

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因此,应该善于改造他们,注意防止他们的破坏性。Therefore, we should know how to remould them and guard against their destructiveness.

从造型线条到打磨装饰,已经有了脱胎换骨的变化。Decorate to burnish from model lines, had had the change of thoroughly remould oneself.

我们应细心来考察自己,认识自己,这是改造自己、健全自己的基矗。We should carefully examine ourselves if we want to know, remould and better ourselves.

从今天开始,我们必须重新找回我们自己,掸去身上的尘土,开始重塑美国的重任。Starting today, we must retrieve us, brushes off on body's dust, starts to remould US's heavy responsibility.

20世纪,民族灵魂的拯救与重建,一直是中国文化人的民族之梦。During the 20th century, to save and remould the national soul has been a national dream cherished by Chinese scholars.

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电视报道是一种文化现象、文化行为,理应具有文化内涵和文化品格。So it is to show cultural intension and cultural quality, and to spread culture and remould culture is one of its main tasks.

这些年来,我一直在努力改造自己。渴望我能不辜负他们的期望,我竭尽一切去奋斗。Over these years , I've been trying to remould myself. Eager to live up to all their expectations, I make every effort to fight.

如果说电视节目常常是将实际的战斗场面转换成一幅幅充满视觉冲击力的图片来树立公众对战争的态度,那么记录更加真实详尽的电影的影响力较之尤为深远。It's television that's often credited with turning the realities of combat into images powerful enough to remould public attitudes.

面部疤痕切除植皮只能改善功能,容貌损毁的改善远非理想。Excision with skin graft of soar on the face can improve laxity and mobility of that portion, but it contributes little to remould the disfiguration.

革命党人对会党纯粹是“利用”,根本没有想到要去改造会党,进而结成政治同盟。The revolutionists merely "made use of" the Secret Societies, but they did not try to remould them and then enter into a political alliance with them at all.

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融合多重维他命、矿物质和高效果实萃取精华,皙白肌肤,深层保养易逝容颜,让肌肤绽放天然光泽,塑造动人俏脸。Combing multi-vitamin, mineral matter and high-effective fruit essence, whiten skin and and deeply care the aged face, emanate natural gloss, remould moving face.

正因为这种乌托邦的希望意识,人类接受和改造着自然,以求获得更多的自由,因此他们会时时去追求前面的尚未得到的东西。It is this very consciousness that motivates human beings to accept and remould the nature so that they can get more freedom and things they haven't yet obtained.

有了网络游戏,以搜狐、网易为代表的门户巨头脱胎换骨,在投资者面前公布着喜人的财报。Had network game, it is portal tycoon thoroughly remould oneself of the representing with Sohu, Netease, satisfactory money newspaper is being published before investor.