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骨转移的较近视图。Here is a closer view of bone metastases.

转移性肿瘤可导致出血性心包炎。Metastases may lead to a hemorrhagic pericarditis.

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事实上所有骨的转移性病变都是癌。Virtually all bone metastases are from carcinomas.

胆碱显像漏检1处肺癌肾上腺转移病灶。One adrenal metastases were missed by 11 C-choline.

转移是癌症致死的主要原因。Metastases are the major cause of death from cancer.

基于病史,本例最可能是血行性转移。Based on history, hematogenous metastases is most likely.

结果骨转移瘤病例以多发,溶骨为主。Results Bone metastases mainly presented as osteolytic lesions.

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肿瘤细胞一旦开始发生转移,即获得了抗脱落凋亡的能力。This "anoikis resistance" is considered the first step to tumor metastases.

目的探讨肾上腺转移瘤的伽马刀治疗效果。Objective To investigate gamma knife radiosurgery for adrenal gland metastases.

主要死亡原因为颈淋巴结转移和局部复发。The main causes of death were cervical lymph node metastases and local recurrence.

目的探讨肺癌早期骨转移的临床特点。Objective To research the clinical features of lung cancer with osseous metastases.

目的评价肺叶切除术在滋养细胞肿瘤肺转移治疗中的作用。To evaluate the role of lung lobectomy in the patients of tumor with lung metastases.

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一年前该病患发现脑部出现转移病灶,并接受开颅肿瘤摘除手术。One year ago, she had brain metastases and underwent tumor resection via craniotomies.

其中复发合并颈淋巴结转移11例。There were 11 cases with recurrent thyroid carcinoma and cervical lymph node metastases.

此外,WB-DWI可以发现更多的骨外器官及淋巴结的病变。Furthermore, WB-DWI revealed more metastases to the lymph lodes and extraskeletal organs.

冠状面图像有助于颌下和颈部淋巴结肿大的发现。The coronal image could clearly display submandibular and cervical lymph node metastases.

多为同侧乳腺癌向同侧胸膜肺内转移特点。Features ofpleuropneumal metastases were ttsually seen homolaterally with the breast cancer.

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有5位病人局部周边疾病控制失败,远处转移发生在2位病患身上。Locoregional failure occurred in 5 patients and distant metastases were noted in 2 patients.

结论COX2在骨肉瘤中的过高表达与骨肉瘤的肺部转移存在密切关系。Conclusion The overexpression of COX2 is closely related to and lung metastases in osteosarcoma.

本文综述了唑来膦酸治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移的研究进展。In this article, we reviewed the progress of zoledronic acid in treating cancer bone metastases.