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风吹把门关上了。The door was blown to.

火被吹旺了。The fire was blown up.

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这台纺织机已清洗。The loom was blown off.

风把门吹开了。The door was blown open.

她的帽子被风吹落了。She had her hat blown off.

这船被风吹到岸边了。The ship was blown ashore.

许多树被刮倒了。Many trees were blown down.

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消音器生锈或爆裂。Rusted or blown out muffler.

迎面吹来阵阵凉风。The cool wind blown head on.

风刮得下起雨来了。The wind had blown up a rain.

耳刮子就给打出来了。Ear is blown child give be hit.

我又变成了云,飘到了一个城市里。I became a cloud, blown a city.

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我要给这些轮胎打打气。I'll have these tires blown up.

风刮落了树上的苹果。The wind has blown apples down.

我的雨伞给吹得翻过去了。My umbrella has blown insideout.

和自己早已被风吹干的泪痕!And the oneself had blown dry tear!

杰克被炸成碎片了。Jack has been blown to smithereens.

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是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦!What evil wind has blown you here !

熊完全交口称赞这一点。Bear was totally blown away by this.

压力使墙向内坍塌。The pressure has blown the walls in.