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掠夺与战争与明始终。Depredation and war with clear always.

残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。Brutal acts of depredation are not not uncommon.

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埃斯特打算剽掠三天,再用一天时间溜走。Aster was calculating on three days of depredation and one day to escape.

大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺。Most southern town have suffer from the reckless depredation of the armed gang.

大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺。Most southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredation of the armed gang.

尽管如此,如果它们不象人类一样繁殖如此缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会如此无能为力。Even so they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not like humans reproduce so slowly.

即便如此,如果他们的再生不象人类的再生这么慢的话,他们对于人类的掠夺也不会显得如此脆弱。Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they didn't, like humans, reproduce so slowly.

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冲刷和腐蚀间的交互作用是引起材料发生泥浆型冲蚀破坏的主要因素。The synergism between erosion and corrosion is main factor resulting in slurry erosion depredation of materials.

它们被胁迫训练,还不给吃的。它们被剥夺了本该自然享有的一切。They're being trained using force and food depredation , and they're being deprived of everything that's natural to them.

如何利用资源将成为利益的基础,所以理性人将采取掠夺的方式去占有资源。How to make use of resources lays the foundation of profit-making, therefore, the sensible will take up resources through depredation.

特别是,月亮石成为了英国帝国主义掠夺的象征,与个人犯罪相比,更是民族犯罪的象征。In particular, the Moonstone becomes the sign of England's imperial depredation and the symbol of national rather than a personal crime.

根本原因,是城市化的掠夺和扩张性强,是地区之间、城市和农村之间不和谐的发展。The ultimate cause is that the strong depredation and expansion of urbanization lead to discordance between regions, cities and rural areas.

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征地制度已经成为农民资产流失的最大渠道,它对农民的掠夺已经超过了计划经济时期实行的“剪刀差”。Land requisition system has been the major way in which the assets of farmers are lost. Its depredation of farmers has outrun "scissors difference" in planned economy.

我国利用野生动物资源的历史悠久,但传统的野生动物利用方式多采取掠夺式地利用,导致许多经济价值很高的物种变得珍稀,或濒临灭绝。The exploitation history of wildlife in China is long, but the tradition utilization is the depredation type, and causes the economic species rare, or get close to extinction.

本课程探讨全球气候变迁与环境破坏所带来的冲击,并介绍永续环境建构之方向与内涵。This course explores the impact of global climate change and environmental depredation on the earth and then introduces the direction and content of the sustainable environment.

拨款不足使林业管理局难以防止森林保护区遭遇火灾和木材盗贼的劫掠,但保护行动毕竟已开始。Inadequate appropriations make it impossible for the Division of Forestry to protect the reserves from forest fires and from depredation of timber thieves, but a start had been made.

其次,资源和环境的公共物品性质,使国与国之间产生“囚徒的困境”,因缺乏治理环境的动力而放任对环境的污染和对资源的掠夺。In the next place, the quality of common goods for resources and environment brings "prisoner's dilemma", which led to environment pollution and resources depredation as lack of motive.

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为了验证狼群的偷猎情况,美国农业部曾派来一名野生动物管理员,调查之后三条‘肇事’的狼被定点清除。A Wildlife Services trapper from the U.S. Department of Agriculture was sent to verify the kills and then carry out an order to eliminate three wolves from the pack responsible for the depredation.