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这些外国人不了解我们的风俗。The foreigners are unacquainted with our custom.

她还太年轻,太渴望着生活,对痛苦知道得太少。She was too young, too impatient to live, too unacquainted with pain.

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对他们如此喜欢干预的世界一无所知。Wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling.

贝克教授并不熟悉“代议制民主”这一思想。Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy.

汤姆茫然不知说什么才好--国玺这东西,他是从来没有听说过的。Tom was at sea-a great seal was something which he was totally unacquainted with.

我们容易相信那些素不相识的人,因为他们从未欺骗过我们。Unacquainted people are more easily to be trusted, because they'd never cheated us.

我由于不熟悉英语会话而处于不利地位。I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English.

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“现代纤维艺术与现代建筑空间”是一个既熟悉又陌生的问题。"Modern fiber art and modern architectural space" is a familiar and unacquainted issue.

可后来在对方热情的款待以及发自内心的关怀之下,这种感觉便消失了。But after their warm treat and sincere care, the feeling of unacquainted disappears immediately.

在世界上相距最远的东西两端的地方,经过多少世纪,实际上完全不知道彼此的存在。Many centuries passed , the westest and eastest place still remained unacquainted to each other.

在一丛陌生的脸孔中霍地出现一张熟悉的脸孔,两个惊喜相遇。In a crowd of unacquainted people, two familiar men suddenly spot each other. How joyful they are!

不过,我们必须想办法测量陌生人之间的互信程度。We still, however, had to figure out how we might measure the degree of trust between unacquainted people.

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那些对这位大厨不太了解的读者可以访问他的英法双语网站来查看相关的菜谱和服务指南。Those unacquainted with the chef can visit his website to view recipes and tutorials in French and English.

那时候我是第一次自己生活在一个陌生的国家,在来到这里之前觉得非常的紧张。It was the first time for me that living by myself in an unacquainted country, I was very nervous before I arrived.

现代的网络服务与李媒婆相同的是高效率的为两个陌生人之间进行介绍。As with Matchmaker Li, then, the contemporary services efficiently engineer an introduction between two unacquainted individuals.

如果不知道应该保护什么,比如野性、野生动植物、自然美等等,保护自然资源就会只是个新奇的概念。Conservation would be a novel concept to anyone unacquainted with what is supposed to be preserved, such as wildness, wildlife, natural beauty.

至于他,他不认识新巴黎,出现在他眼前的只是旧巴黎,他怀着他所珍惜的幻象而加以叙述。For his own part, he is unacquainted with the new Paris, and he writes with the old Paris before his eyes in an illusion which is precious to him.

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因为我们还不清楚他被何事激怒,我们不能把他的情形归入自己情形中,也不能在心中构造出任何那个激怒可激发出的强烈情绪。As we are unacquainted with his provocation, we cannot bring his case home to ourselves, nor conceive any thing like the passions which it excites.

但年轻的奥巴马在雅加达的生活也让他亲眼目睹了贫穷、苦难和自然灾害,这些都是许多美国人非常陌生的。But young Obama’s life in Jakarta also exposed him to poverty, suffering and natural disaster — factors with which many Americans were unacquainted.

一班由不相识到相识的伙伴,为著小小热诚,一起远赴遥远的他方付出小小绵力。We're one group of people from unacquainted stage to acquainted stage, we're going to a place far away for giving a little help, just because of a small sincerely heart.