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一个好的倾听者会去想要了解他们未被欣赏的原因。A good listener will want to understand the reason they feel unappreciated.

如果他们还是无法领悟,那就在你需要感激的时候告诉他们。And if they still don’t catch on, let them know when you feel unappreciated.

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上司的不赏识会影响你的工作效率。Being unappreciated by your boss could make it hard to do your work effectively.

你可能在一个小地方默默奉献,无人知道无人赏识。You may be serving in obscurity in some small place, feeling unknown and unappreciated.

不费力气和不付代价而得到的东西,通常是不被重视和珍惜的。Anything acquired without effort and without cost is generally unappreciated often discredited.

你不要转移话题或者阻止你的同事,她越是觉得不被羡慕就会越喜欢自夸。You can't steer or stop your colleague. The more unappreciated she feels, the more she'll boast.

另一个方法是听他们在感觉不到爱和欣赏的时候抱怨些什么。Another clue is to listen to what they complain about when they are feeling unloved or unappreciated.

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扣分会破坏关系,使女人觉得不受感激、男人付出的更少。Penalty points are destructive to relationships. They make a woman feel unappreciated and a man less giving.

质量保证工作在男科实验室常常被忽略。Quality assurance is an often overlooked and unappreciated aspect of overall quality laboratory performance.

不过,人类进化另有途径,只不过并不受科学界和小说界的赏识。There is, however, another avenue for human evolution, one mostly unappreciated in both science and fiction.

我做家务通常是想给双方的感情加分,可我的丈夫却常常不能善解人意,这让我感到非常的气愤和失落。But my husband just isn’t very good at handing out gold stars, and that makes me feel angry and unappreciated.

工作压力包含很多方面,如工作量过大、对工作感到不满意、或在工作中不得志等。Work stress involves too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

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二人借酒意抒泄自己的不得志而发酒疯,竟对「龙灯」拳打脚踢。Two people borrow and out to express their own unappreciated and deliriously intoxicated, had punched dragon lantern.

另一方面,教师的工资和声望较低,他的工作经常不为人所注意和感激。On the other hand,a teacher's salary and prestige are relatively low and his work often goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

市中心平民区的治安工作是一支思想混乱、指挥失误、不受欢迎的部队进行的一场危险的、只输不赢的争斗,犹如一场国内的越战。Police work on inner-city streets is a domestic Vietnam, a dangerous no win struggle fought by confused, misdirected and unappreciated troops.

不直接的要求虽然暗示了要求,但没有亘接说出来,这些不直接的要求使得男人觉得他不会受到感激。An indirect request implies the request but does not directly say it These indirect requests make a man feel taken for granted and unappreciated.

你现在看到的这只壮观的鸟可能是非洲塞伦盖蒂国家公园中最不受赏识的生物,一只鲁氏粗毛秃鹫。You're looking at a glorious bird that may just be the most unappreciated creature on the African Serengeti. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.

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他很不受他所在城市人们的欢迎,到后来他被人们抱怨说他严重污染了空气.He is largely unappreciated by the people who live in his city and he gets laid off when the city folk complain about how badly he pollutes the air.

在湖面上,日子悄无声息地走过,我知道让湖四周的风景,森林偷偷走进未被欣赏,未被开发的背景是很容易的。Here on the lake, the days pass by and I know how easy it can be to let the backdrop of lake and forest slink into the background unappreciated and unused.

谭向春,一个传统华校背景的资深老师,因为英文能力差,在职场上深感怀材不遇。Tan Xiangchun is a traditional, Chinese-educated senior teacher who deeply feels unappreciated at work because of his poor command of the English language.