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暴君被打倒了。The tyrant was overthrown.

许多树被暴风雨刮倒了。Many trees were overthrown by the storm.

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俄国沙皇一九一七年被推翻。The Czar of Russia was overthrown in 1917.

树木全被风暴刮倒了。The trees were all overthrown by the windstorm.

手执利剑的人已经推翻了王室贵胄。Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings.

1989年末Ceausescu被推翻并处被处死。Ceausescu was overthrown and executed in late 1989.

清教徒为之战斗的一切又统统被废除了。Everything that the Purita fought for was overthrown.

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手推车和水果被一辆急驰而过的汽车撞翻了。The cart and fruit were overthrown by a speeding car.

在南北战争结束之后,美国的奴隶制被废除了。The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A.

被推翻的总统被辩论降服.The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy.

日本幕府对西方开放,但被推翻。The shogunate opened Japan to the West, only to be overthrown.

他被推翻后汤,第一金的商朝。He was overthrown by Tang, the first king of the Shang dynasty.

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清朝政府最终被人们用武力推翻了。The Qing Dynasty was finally overthrown by the people by force.

突尼斯和埃及政府已经被推翻,并且双双榜上有名。Tunisia and Egypt both make the list, and have been overthrown.

马达加斯加的政府在上周也被暴动推翻。Madagascar's government was just overthrown in a coup this past week.

一辆高速行驶的汽车突然拐弯相撞把车和水果都打翻了。The cart and fruit were overthrown as a speeding car swerved into them.

一六八九年,英国国王詹姆斯二世被推翻,威廉三世继位。In 1689, King JamesⅡ of England was overthrown and replaced by WilliamⅢ.

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1867年,在长州和萨摩两藩的攻击下,德川幕府倒台。The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in 1867.

就该知道是神倾覆我,用网罗围绕我。Know now that God hath overthrown me, and hath compassed me with his net.

我对埃及进行了为期三年的统治,直到被我父亲的一个谋臣推翻。I ruled for 3 years until I was overthrown by one of my father's advisors.