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我在夏洛特市长大。I grew up in Charlotte.

“就是很容易骗啦。”夏洛蒂又说。"Easy to fool, " said Charlotte.

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新种族隔离政策?Spinks, Charlotte. "A New Apartheid?

夏洛特心里暗骂“笨蛋”。", "Idiot", Charlotte cursed inside.

首先,夏洛蒂·勃朗特的生活原则。Firstly, the life principle of Charlotte.

噢,夏绿蒂说,她真可贵进来。Oh! Charlotte says, she hardly ever does.

夏洛蒂跪下拉起拖裙。Charlotte knelt down to pick up her train.

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另外,夏洛蒂也不懂孩子的心。Charlotte also did not understand children.

夏洛蒂还记着那一耳光。Charlotte was still smarting from the slap.

这时,夏洛蒂已三十岁。At this time, Charlotte has three 20-year-old.

NPR新闻,迈克尔·托姆希奇夏洛特报道。For NPR news, I'm Michael Tomsic in Charlotte.

那只老绵羊说的都是真的吗?Is it true what the old sheep says, Charlotte?

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从品牌转让人到夏洛特山猫队的老板。From product endorser to Charlotte team executive.

“你在想什么,夏洛蒂?”它问道。"What are you thinking about, Charlotte?" he asked.

她邀请了我和夏罗特今晚去吃饭。She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.

而我的女儿夏洛特则收到了四封慰问卡片。My daughter Charlotte received four condolence cards.

夏洛蒂·勃朗特在1849年发表的故事中用到了这种说法。Charlotte Bronte used it in a story published in 1849.

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那天下午,夏绿蒂和我去选钓男人。That afternoon, Charlotte and I went trolling for men.

2004年的夏洛特山猫队的加入达到30只。In 2004 the Charlotte Bobcats join the team to reach 30.

夏洛特县是如何演变成老年人养老圣地的呢?How did Charlotte County come to be a mecca for retirees?