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递给了杨大海一罐可口可乐。Hands Yang Dahai a Coca Cola cans.

可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster.

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世界上的可卡大部分种植在哥伦比亚。Colombia grows most of the world's coca.

被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗。Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.

你是要矿泉水、可乐还是雪碧?Which do you need, table-water, Coca Cola or Sprit?

可口可乐、雪碧和芬达三个中,你最喜欢喝哪个?。Which do you like best, Coca Cola, Sprite, or Fanta?

现在,坎德勒想做的就是使可口可乐家喻户晓。Now Candler set about making Coca Cola a household word.

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发行的第一款纪念章为可乐瓶的“瓶盖”。The first design released is that of a Coca Cola bottle cap.

可口可乐不光好喝,它还有很多居家用途呢!This list of uses was tested on ordinary, original Coca Cola.

自从以种植可可代替古柯之后,安古洛先生过上了平静的生活。Life is calmer now that Mr. Angulo sells cocoa instead of coca.

很简单,只需用可乐轻轻一刷,快速晾干,刚照的也能出来老照片的效果。Just lightly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly.

被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗哦。I Didn’t know that Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.

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巴菲特将辞去可口可乐董事,以便投注更多时间在波克夏公司。Buffet will leave Coca Cola's board to spend more time at Berkshire.

可口可乐最早是被约翰·潘伯顿研制出来治疗头痛的。Coca Cola was basically made by John Pemberton, as a cure for headaches.

起初,可口可乐创立之初却是一种药。Its iconic Coca Cola drink, also known as Coke, started life as medicine.

Vega认为,古柯在该地区长期种植的可能性不大。Vega does not see coca as a crop with long term possibilities in the area.

可口可乐不仅是一种非常好喝的饮料,在家中它还有许多的用途。Coca Cola is not only great to drink, it also has many uses around the home.

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可卡因是古柯叶经深加工后精制的粉末。Coca is the leaf, and cocaine is the highly manufactured and refined powder.

在参赛的70名运动员中,我跑到了第40名,奖品是一瓶可口可乐。Among 70 Athletics, I finished no. 40 and got a prize of One Coca Cola bottle.

可是当我们最终到那里时才发现,里面只有可口可乐,真差劲!But when we finally get to the machine, there is only coca cola inside. Bummer!