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我们学校为那次旅行包了三辆公共汽车。Our school chartered three buses for the trip.

渣打纽约银行美国经济学家戴维·西蒙说道。S. economist at Standard Chartered Bank in New York.

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房地美公司在1970年由美国国会授权特许经营。The company was chartered by the US Congress in 1970.

朝圣者们乘专机去麦加。Pilgrims travel to Mecca in specially chartered planes.

查拉图斯特拉包机公司拥有了一切的道路。The chartered Zarathustra Company had it all their way.

许多纽约市民在特许船只上观看了这一盛况。Some New Yorkers watched the spectacle from chartered boats.

俱乐部包租了两辆公共汽车送我们去巴黎度假。The club chartered two buses to take us on holiday to Paris.

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24年获得自治地许可证,于38'年成为汉萨同盟的一部分。Chartered in 24, it became part of the Hanseatic League in 38'.

有些人租了车,从10小时车程外的城市赶来。Some had traveled in chartered buses from cities 10 hours away.

兹授权贵行索偿议付金额,按约定办法,请向标准渣打银行伦敦分行我账户内支取。arrangement on our account with Standard Chartered Bank London.

1241年获得自治地许可证,于1386年成为汉萨同盟的一部分。Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386.

卖方所租载货船只船龄不得超过15年。The age of the carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall not

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1423年获自治权,1793年被割给普鲁士,1815年被割给俄国。Chartered in 1423, it passed to Prussia in 1793 and to Russia in 1815.

公司包了一架飞机把他接回国开商务会议。The company chartered a plane to fly him home for the business meeting.

渣打银行提供的是葡萄酒品尝以及高档商品促销活动。Standard Chartered has offered wine tastings and luxury-goods promotions.

我们一共出动了9个架次的包机,从吉尔吉斯斯坦接回了约1300名中国公民。Around 1300 Chinese citizens have returned to China in 9 chartered planes.

任家萱乘坐包机从上海起飞,于周日晚些时候抵达台北。Jen arrived in Taipei late in the day on a chartered flight from Shanghai.

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是英国特许人事和发展学会的成员。K. C. is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

只适用于已透过渣打网上理财登记为收款人的户口。Only applicable to payee accounts registered via Standard Chartered Online.

这所大学是科技部特许设立的。The university was chartered under the authority of the Ministry of Science.