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本身具有抵抗害虫,杂草及疾病的能力。Inbuilt resistance to pests, weeds and disease.

芒果内置的大部分功能,在Android都可以通过第三方应用程序实现。Most features inbuilt in Mango can be achieved via 3rd party applications in Android.

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包含内建电子分音器、过载保护电路以及功率扩大机。They contain inbuilt electronic crossovers, overload protection and power amplifiers.

按下按钮,一台嵌入式的冰箱便会从“智能桌”的中部冒出来。At the click of a button, the centre of the SmarTable rises toreveal the inbuilt fridge.

你可以通过嵌入整合来导入你的模型或接入谷歌3维数据库。You can import your models or connect to Google 3D Warehouse through an inbuilt integration.

新研究表明人类与生俱来的对失去金钱的恐惧感与“杏仁核”有着密切的关系。The new study indicates that the amygdala is closely tied to an inbuilt fear of losing money.

此外,它支持内置隔离电源,在活动模式下功耗小于1W。Additionally, it supports inbuilt isolated power supply and consumes less than 1W in active mode.

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据科学家最新研究表明,同性恋者一般都具有一种类似雷达的特殊才能,以帮助他们找到志同道合的其他同性恋者。Gay people have an inbuilt radar that helps them seek out like-minded souls, scientists have shown.

巨大的“旋动半径”意味着宝塔自身有很大的惯性,来抵抗震动。In both, the large “radius of gyration” means the shaking has a lot of inbuilt inertia to overcome.

印度人民有这种与生俱来的天赋,而我们一直没能认识、欣赏或尊重它。They have this incredible inbuilt skill that we haven't been able to define, appreciate or respect yet.

更广义地看,自由民主与市场经济的结合蕴含着某种必然的对峙。More broadly, the combination of liberal democracy and a market economy also embodies a certain inbuilt tension.

它有内置的温度传感器,能够够使热水呈现红色,冷水呈现蓝色。There is an inbuilt temperature sensor that turns the colour of the water red when it is hot and blue when it is cold.

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内置的和可移动的家具包括所有座位,盆景,雕像,画及以销售为目的的艺术陈列。Inbuilt and Moveable Furniture including all seating, potted plants, sculptures, paintings and artwork displays for sale.

它有一个任务区的底部部分,供应商可以提供链接到内在的应用和设备信息。It has a task area at the bottom section where the vendor can provide links to inbuilt applications and device information.

孔多塞的理论没能考虑到,在群体一起考虑问题时,是否存在一个群体内在的偏向。Condorcet's theory fails to consider whether there is an inbuilt bias among a group that comes together to consider a problem.

制造多巴胺的细胞有一个固有自身调节系统用来防止过多产生多巴胺。Dopamine-producing cells have an inbuilt self-regulating system which is supposed to stop them making too much of the hormone.

坐垫为天然纤维及高级提花布、内置专利可透气的水垫体,透气。柔软。舒服。The case of pad is made by natural fiber and high-quality jacquard weave, inbuilt exclusive, ventilative, soft, and cozy water pad.

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为了证明印度人民这种与生俱来的能力,罗伊拿出了一个在赤脚大学的妇女帮助设计和建造的太阳能炊具。As if to illustrate their inbuilt skill, Roy points out a solar cooker that some of the women at Barefoot College helped design and build.

同时,美国社会架构中根深蒂固的结构失衡与社会冲突已经广泛深刻地展现在我们面前。Also, the structural imbalance and social conflicts inbuilt and deep-rooted in the US social fabric have come to light massively and extensively.

人类学家指出,敬拜是全人类与生俱来的渴求,神将之安置在我们的本质里面,使我们需要与神联系。Anthropologists have noted that worship is a universal urge, hard-wired by God into the very fiber of our being-an inbuilt need to connect with God.