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我们还看了指数分布。We also looked at exponential.

因为这里是指数函数。This is an exponential function.

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对数?线性?指数?平方?Log? Linear? Exponential? Quadratic?

社会网络的指数本质。Exponential nature of social networks.

这样的函数形式是什么?指数。What functional form does that? Exponential.

这是指数函数的本质。This is the nature of an exponential function.

你看到指数增长有多恐怖了吧?You see how really fast exponential growth is?

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是一个指数?你知道,So,,p,as,some,exponential,here?,You,know,我并没有把他写成指数形式。P I don't recall seeing it as an exponential form.

对数学狂人来说,这是标准的指数衰减For math geeks, this is standard exponential decay.

平方级的和指数级复杂度的方法,再说一遍,可能会有些常量。We have seen log, linear, quadratic, and exponential.

只要看数据是否满足某个指数函数。Just see how well an exponential function fits the data.

杂度是指数级的呢?,有人猜猜么?And if I'm running an exponential algorithm, any guesses?

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一根共价键中,离子百分数等于。He said that is going to equal one minus the exponential.

这种策略的目的是在极短的时间内造成轰动效应。The goal is exponential growth in a short period of time.

因为我们低估了指数函数的增长。Because we underestimate the growth of exponential function.

现在,让我们的指数和对数函数的照顾。Now, let's take care of exponential and logarithm functions.

此分析应用于曲线的指数区域。This analysis applies to the exponential region of the curve.

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摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。The frictional dissipation will introduce an exponential decay.

郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential.

这些回答使得我的博客关注度获得指数增长。These are answers that have led to my blog’s exponential growth.