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没错,她是美国职棒大联盟的凯西戴格勒结婚!Yep she is married to MLBs Casey Daigle!

凯希从头到脚都有湿。Casey has eczema from her head to her feet.

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吉姆和凯西是大学时代的老朋友。Jim and Casey are old friends from college.

对于凯西·马丁的请求,你是怎么看待的?What do you think about Casey Martin's request?

CNN记者凯西现在在州府麦迪逊。CNN's Casey Wian is actually in Madison right now.

凯西邓恩将收到阿兰吨沃特曼奖。Casey Dunn will receive the Alan T. Waterman Award.

看左,右,上,下。你的腿怎么了,凯西先生。Look left, right, up, down. What happened to your leg, Mr. Casey?

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凯西·施滕格尔可能是棒球界最有趣的人物。Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball.

凯西·施滕格尔可能是棒球界最有趣的人物。Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball.

凯西还对有机会与法国新的领导层进行合作表示欢迎。Casey also welcomed the opportunity to work with the new French leadership.

伦德尔和凯西的威望和他们的选举倾向一致。Both Rendell and Casey have put their prestige on the line in this election.

我是比尔·艾利斯,这是丽贝卡凯西。我们是来为鼹鼠乐队试音的。I'm Bill Ellis and this is Rebecca Casey. We're here for The Moles' audition.

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“那么,没有什么要……”凯西说着他开始在房间里到处扫视了一遍。“Well, there’s nothing to” Casey began. His eyes swept here and there in the room.

斯藤森和卡西都是大炮手,罗斯和保尔特两人给我留下印象深刻。Fujimori Adams and Casey are big gunners, Ross and Ian Poulter two I was impressed.

于是在1996年,刚过而立之年的Casey到台北参加一个电子交易展。So in 1996, just after he turned 30, Casey went to Taipei for an electronics trade show.

希斯克利夫无意中得知后,悄然离去,凯西在愁苦心情中嫁给了林顿。Heathcliff accidentally, after that, quietly leave, Casey married in anxiety mood Linton.

戴安娜·马索,这是丽贝卡·凯西。戴安娜是我公司的设计师之一。Oh, yes. Diana Marshall, this is Rebecca Casey. Diana's one of the architects at my firm.

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他们有时一起出演专题片、电视节目、商业广告等。Together Casey and Brutus have worked on feature films, television shows, and commercials.

他所言非虚,C现在花了大部分时间在南美生活,而且大部分投资者在南美。True to his word, Casey now spends most of his time living and investing in South America.

击败罗西,斯托纳,佩德罗萨和其他司机的全球总冠军。Beat Valentino Rossi, Casey Stoner, Dani Pedrosa and other drivers of the global championship.